curse /BrEkɜːs; NAmEkɜːrs/ ► SEE ALLcurse sb outbe cursed with sth●ˌcurse sb ˈout ( ˌcuss sb ˈout) (NAmE, informal) to swear at sb because you are angry with them咒骂;诅咒◆She came up to me after school and just started cussing me out. 放学后她走到我身边开始骂我。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]●be ˈcursed with sthto have or suffer from sth bad遭受(厄运);受…折磨◆He was cursed with poor health from childhood. 他从小就受体弱多病之苦。◆I’ve always been cursed with bad luck. 我总是走霉运。[be + v + prep]