释义 |
●ˌcave ˈin1. (on sb/sth) if a roof, wall, etc. caves in, it falls down and towards the centre (房顶、墙壁等)塌落,塌陷,坍塌◆The roof of the tunnel caved in on the workmen. 隧道顶部塌方,压住了作业人员。SUBJ roof, wall ➡ note at fall down 2. (to sth) to finally do what sb wants you to do after you have resisted for a long time 让步;屈服;屈从◆The management refused to cave in to their demands. 资方拒绝接受他们的要求。◆Under his fierce questioning she caved in and told him the truth. 在他严厉质问下,她招架不住,告诉了他真相。OBJ demands, pressure[v + adv]▸ ˈcave-in noun 1. the fact of a roof, wall, etc. caving in (房顶、墙壁等)塌落,塌陷,坍塌◆For the people inside the tunnel there was a serious risk of flooding or a cave-in. 隧道里的人面临透水或塌方的巨大危险。2. an instance of agreeing under pressure to do sth you do not want to do 让步;屈服;屈从 |