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camp /kæmp/ ► SEE ALLcamp out camp it up ●ˌcamp ˈout (informal) to sleep outside, usually in a tent; to sleep on the floor somewhere for a short time 露宿;宿营;(暂时)睡地板◆If there is nowhere to stay, we’ll have to camp out. 如果无处过夜,我们只能露宿。◆People camped out in the school hall to escape the floodwater. 人们暂时在学校礼堂睡地铺,以躲避洪水。[v + adv]▸ ˈcampout noun (NAmE) a time when people sleep outside in a tent 露营;宿营;野营●ˌcamp it ˈup (BrE, informal) to behave in a very exaggerated manner, especially to attract attention to yourself or to make people laugh 过分做作,装模作样(尤指以引人注目或逗人发笑为目的)◆He enjoys camping it up. 他喜欢哗众取宠。◆I really camped it up in the final scene. 在最后一幕我的表演确实有些过火。[v + it + adv] |