●ˈwait on sb1. ( ˈwait on sthespecially NAmE) to bring food and drink to people at a table, usually in a restaurant(通常指在餐馆)服务,招待进餐◆My daughter will wait on us this evening! 今天的晚饭我女儿将为我们端菜上饭!◆When I started, I didn’t know anything about waiting on tables. 刚开始时,我根本不知道如何招待客人进餐。◆We were waited on by a very polite young man. 我们是由一位彬彬有礼的小伙子接待的。2. ( ˈwait upon sbmore formal) to bring sb everything they want or need伺候;服侍◆She spoiled the children, always waiting on them hand and foot(= doing everything for them, like a servant). 她太娇惯孩子,总是像用人一样为他们打点一切。3. (NAmE) to serve customers in a shop/store接待,招呼(商店里的顾客)◆Is anybody waiting on you? 有人在为你服务吗?◆There is no one in the furniture department to wait on me. 家具部没人接待我。[v + prep]