throw /BrEθrəʊ; NAmEθroʊ/ (threw /θruː/ , thrown /BrEθrəʊn; NAmEθroʊn/ ) ► SEE ALLthrow sb/yourself aroundthrow sb/yourself around sththrow sth aroundthrow sth aroundthrow sth around sththrow sth around sb/sththrow sth asidethrow sth at sbthrow sth at sb/sththrow yourself at sb throw yourself at sb/sththrow sth awaythrow yourself away (on sb)throw sth backthrow sth back at sbbe thrown back on sththrow down throw sb/sth downthrow sb/sth down sththrow sth downthrow yourself downthrow sb in/into sththrow sb/sth/yourself inthrow sb/sth/yourself in/into sththrow sth inthrow sb into sththrow sb/sth into sththrow sb/sth/yourself into sththrow sth into sththrow yourself into sththrow sb offthrow sb off sththrow sb/sth offthrow sb/sth off sththrow sth offthrow sb/sth/yourself offthrow sb/sth/yourself off sththrow sth onthrow sb/sth onthrow sb/sth on/onto sththrow yourself on/onto sththrow sth on sb/sththrow yourself on sb/sththrow sb/sth/yourself onto sththrow sb outthrow sb out of sththrow sb/sth outthrow sb/sth outthrow yourself out (of sth)throw sth outthrow sb over throw sb/sth/yourself overthrow sb/sth/yourself over sththrow sth over (to sb) throw sth over sb/sththrow sth round, etc.throw sb togetherthrow sth togetherthrow upthrow sth up throw sb/sth upthrow sth upthrow sth upon sb/sth●ˌthrow sb/yourself aˈround●ˌthrow sb/yourself aˈround sth (BrE alsoˌthrow sb/yourself aˈbout, ˌthrow sb/yourself aˈbout sth) to make sb/yourself move about suddenly and violently, often causing injury使(人)大幅度摇晃;(人)横冲直撞◆The passengers were thrown around in the crash. 撞车时乘客给撞得东倒西歪。◆The child was screaming and throwing himself around. 那个孩子尖叫着跑来跑去。◆The band threw themselves around the stage like madmen. 乐队在舞台上狂舞。[v + n/pron + adv][v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth aˈround (BrE alsoˌthrow sth aˈbout) say sth, discuss sth, etc. in a general way泛泛而谈;笼统地讨论◆You can’t just throw accusations around like that! 你不能那样不着边际地光顾着指责!◆Let’s have an initial meeting to throw some ideas about. 我们先开个会简单讨论一下想法吧。OBJaccusations, ideas SYNtoss sth spend time throwing sth such as a ball from one person to another, in a not very serious way(随便地)抛,传(球等)◆They were in the yard throwing a ball around. 他们在院子里抛球玩。 move part of your body around violently(使劲)挥动,摆动,甩动(身体部位)◆She was speaking excitedly, throwing her arms around. 她一边挥舞着胳膊,一边兴奋地讲话。OBJarms, head[v + n/pron + adv] ●throw your ˈmoney aroundto spend a lot of money in a very careless way, often in order to impress people(常指为给人留下深刻印象)乱花钱,大手大脚,肆意挥霍◆John hates people throwing their money about. 约翰讨厌那些花钱如流水的人。●throw your ˈweight around (informal) to use your authority in an aggressive way to achieve what you want滥用权势;仗势欺人;飞扬跋扈◆She enjoys throwing her weight about and getting her way. 她喜欢依仗权势为所欲为。●ˌthrow sth aˈround●ˌthrow sth aˈround sth ( ˌthrow sth aˈbout/ˈround, ˌthrow sth aˈbout/ˈround sthespecially BrE) to send sth from your hand in different directions, often because you are angry(常指因生气)四处扔,到处撒◆How do you stop babies throwing their food around? 怎样才能不让小孩子把食物撒得到处都是呢?◆Jeff got so angry that he started throwing furniture about. 杰夫火冒三丈,竟动手乱摔家具。◆People were throwing glasses round the room. 人们在房间里到处扔玻璃杯。[v + n/pron + adv][v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth aˈround sb/sth (BrE alsoˌthrow sth aˈbout/ˈround sb/sth) 1.if you throw your arms around sb, you hold them tightly to show that you love them or wish to thank them for sth紧紧拥抱◆Diana threw her arms around him / his neck and kissed him. 黛安娜紧紧搂住他/他的脖子,吻了他。 put sth quickly around sb/sth很快用…围住◆We threw blankets around ourselves to keep warm. 我们马上用毯子把自己裹住保暖。◆a silk scarf thrown casually around the shoulders 随意围在肩上的丝巾 put a barrier around a place so that people cannot enter or leave用(障碍物)封起;隔离◆A security cordon had been thrown around the area. 这一区域拉上了安全警戒线,被封锁起来。[v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth aˈ put sth quickly to one side, often because you are angry or in a hurry(常指因生气或匆忙)把…搁在一边◆She read the letter and immediately threw it aside. 她读完信便立刻把它丢到一边。SYNcast sth aside (formal), toss sth aside (formal) reject sth such as an attitude, an idea, a way of life, etc.拒绝接受,摒弃(某种态度、想法、生活方式等)◆All loyalties were thrown aside once the competition started. 竞争一开始,所有的忠诚观念都被抛开了。◆to throw aside sentimentality / nervousness 抛开感伤/紧张的心情◆to throw aside a system 抛弃一种体制SYNcast sth aside (formal) [v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]●ˈthrow sth at direct sth such as a remark, a question, etc. at sb, often in an aggressive way(尤指咄咄逼人地)针对某人发表评论(或提出问题等)◆She threw a look of contempt at me. 她鄙夷地扫了我一眼。◆to throw insults / accusations at somebody 侮辱/指责他人◆He has an answer for any question you can throw at him. 你向他提出任何问题他都能解答。OBJquestion, look, accusationNOTEYou can also say也可说◆She threw me a look of contempt. 她鄙夷地扫了我一眼。 do sth or give sb sth that tests their abilities and skills给…出难题;考验◆You never know what life’s going to throw at you. 人生的考验从来都是不可预见的。◆We can cope with anything our opponents throw at us. 我们能应付对手的任何挑战。OBJeverything, anything, whatever[v + n/pron + prep]●ˈthrow sth at sb/sth🔑to throw an object in the direction of sb/sth, trying to make it hit them向…砸(或掷、投、抛)◆He threw stones at the window to try to catch their attention. 他朝窗户扔石头,想吸引他们的注意。[v + n/pron + prep] ●throw the ˈbook at sb (informal) to punish sb who has committed an offence very severely严惩;严办●throw ˈmoney at sth (disapproving) to try to solve a difficult situation or problem by spending lots of money on it rather than considering other ways of dealing with it靠花大钱解决◆You can’t solve the problem by throwing money at it. 这个问题不是靠乱砸钱就可以解决的。●ˈthrow yourself at sb (informal, disapproving) to be too anxious to try to attract sb, because you want to have a romantic relationship with them(为建立恋爱关系)对…大献殷勤,拼命讨好,百般勾引◆He was flattered that such an attractive woman as Nell was throwing herself at him. 有内尔这样漂亮的女子向他献媚,他心里飘飘然起来。SYNfling yourself at sb[v + pron + prep]●ˈthrow yourself at sb/sthto rush or jump violently towards or onto sb/sth向…猛扑过去;冲向◆The dogs threw themselves at the gate. 几条狗扑向大门。[v + pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth aˈway🔑1. ( ˌthrow sth ˈout) to get rid of sth that has no use or that you no longer need扔掉;丢弃◆She never throws anything away. 她从来不丢掉任何东西。◆The average household throws away three kilos of waste every week. 每户家庭平均每周丢弃三公斤垃圾。SYNdiscard sth (more formal) fail to make good use of sth; to waste sth错过;浪费;白费◆She’s throwing away a great opportunity. 她要丢掉一个大好机会了。◆The team threw away a 2-0 lead (= they were winning, but then lost the game). 该队在以 2:0 领先的情况下输掉了比赛。OBJchance, lead, money, opportunity[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]▸ˈthrowaway
[only before noun]1.a throwaway product is intended to be used only once, or for a short time and then to be got rid of(产品)一次性的,用后即扔的◆a throwaway lighter / razor 一次性打火机/剃须刀◆our throwaway culture / society (= we expect to use things once and then throw them away) 我们的一次性物品消费文化/社会2.a throwaway remark, line or comment is sth you say without careful thought, often in order to be funny(尤指俏皮话)脱口而出的,随意说出的◆Some people overreacted to a throwaway remark. 有些人对信口说出的话反应过度了。●ˌthrow yourself aˈway (on sb)to have a relationship with sb, or work for sb, who is not good enough for you or does not deserve you(和诸方面与己不相配者)交往;屈就◆Don’t throw yourself away on somebody like him. 不要屈尊和他这种人来往。[v + pron + adv]●ˌthrow sth ˈ return sth with a sharp movement of your arm or wrist扔回;抛回;掷还◆Can you throw the ball back to me? 帮我把球扔回来好吗? put sth quickly and carelessly in the place where it was before(匆匆)把…放归原处◆Just throw those papers back in the drawer when you’ve finished with them. 你用完那些文件后扔回抽屉里就行了。3.if you throw back your head or your shoulders, you move them backwards suddenly向后仰起(头或肩)◆She threw back her head and laughed. 她仰头大笑。OBJhead, shoulders4. to pull or fold back a covering, especially on a bed拉开,揭开(床罩等)◆He threw back the bedclothes and jumped out of bed. 他掀开铺盖跳下了床。OBJcovers, bedclothes[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]▸ˈthrowback(to sth)
[countable, usually singular] sb/sth that is similar to sb/sth that existed long ago有返祖现象的人(或事物)◆This music is a real throwback to the seventies. 这确实像是 70 年代的老音乐。●ˌthrow sth ˈback at remind sb of sth they have said or done in the past, especially to upset or annoy them(尤指为使人烦恼)使想起,提醒,再提◆His unwise remark was frequently thrown back at him by his colleagues. 他的同事经常在他面前提起他的蠢话。OBJwords, reply angrily to sb生气地回答◆‘It was your fault!’ he threw back at her. “是你的错!”他怒气冲冲地回了她一句。1[v + n/pron + adv + prep]2[v + speech + adv + prep]●be ˌthrown ˈback on sthto be forced to rely on sth which you have not needed for a while because nothing else is available被迫依靠,无奈启用(弃用的旧东西)◆The television broke down so we were thrown back on our own resources (= we had to entertain ourselves). 电视机坏了,我们只好自娱自乐。[be + v + adv + prep]●ˌthrow ˈdown (NAmE, slang) do sth with as much energy and pleasure as possible尽情地干;尽兴地做◆We were throwing down at the party last night. 昨晚我们在聚会上玩了个痛快。 fight or argue with sb, or to say sth that starts a fight or argument打架;争吵;挑衅叫板◆She was mad as hell and ready to throw down. 她气得发疯,想大吵一通。[v + adv]▸ˈthrowdown
(NAmE, slang) a fight or argument打架;争吵◆You could tell he was ready for a throwdown. 看得出来,他想大吵一通。●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈdown●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈdown sthto send sb/sth from your hand suddenly and violently downwards猛地把…摔下;扔下◆Ellie threw the book down on the table. 埃利把书摔到桌上。◆Jed threw her down on the sofa. 杰德把她扔到沙发上。◆Throw the rest of the medicine down the sink. 把剩下的药倒进洗涤槽里。◆Her husband threw her down the stairs. 她丈夫把她推下了楼梯。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n][v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth ˈ drop or put your weapons down to show that you do not wish to fight any longer放下,扔掉(武器)◆The rebels have thrown down their arms. 反叛者已经放下武器。OBJweapons, eat or swallow food or drink very quickly迅速吞食;猛喝;狼吞虎咽◆He threw his dinner down in two minutes. 他两分钟就吃完了饭。 suggest that sb should do sth you think they will not be willing or able to do使勉强做(不想做或做不到的事);强人所难◆She threw down a direct challenge for him to tell them the truth. 她直接要求他告诉他们真相。OBJ onlychallenge1, 2[v + adv + n][v + pron + adv][v + n + adv] (rare) 3[v + adv + n][v + n + adv] (rare) ●throw down the ˈgauntletto invite sb to fight or compete with you(向某人)发出挑战●ˌthrow yourself ˈdownto move suddenly and violently so that you fall down to the ground猛地倒(或躺)在地上◆She threw herself down on the grass. 她扑倒在草地上。➡ see also throw sb/sth down[v + pron + adv]●ˌthrow sb ˈin/into sthto force or order sb to enter a prison and stay there把…关进(监狱);监禁◆I’ll have you thrown in jail for that! 我要让你为那件事去坐牢!◆He was thrown into a police cell overnight. 他被抓进警察局,在拘留室过了一夜。NOTEUsually used in the passive.通常用于被动语态。[v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sb/sth/yourself ˈin●ˌthrow sb/sth/yourself ˈin/ˈinto sthto push or move sb/sth/yourself roughly or violently into sth, such as water or a building把…大力推入(水中、建筑物等);猛地跳入(或窜进)◆Sam opened the door of the shed and threw his bike in. 萨姆打开车棚的门,把自行车一下子推了进去。◆Did Eva throw herself in the river or was she pushed? 伊娃是自己跳进河里的,还是有人推她的?[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n] (less frequent) [v + n/pron + prep] ●throw sb in at the ˈdeep end (informal) (usually used in the passive通常用于被动语态) to introduce sb to the most difficult part of an activity or job, especially an activity they have not been prepared for使毫无准备地承担最艰巨的任务;使陷入未曾料到的艰难处境▸ˈthrow-in
(in football (soccer) and rugby足球和橄榄球) the act of throwing the ball back onto the playing field after it has gone outside the area掷界外球;掷边线球●ˌthrow sth ˈ include sth with what you are selling or offering, without increasing the price额外赠送;奉送;白送◆The job pays £25 000, with a company car thrown in. 这份工作薪金为 25 000 英镑,此外公司还配车。 add a remark, comment, etc. without careful thought未经细想加上,随口插进,漫不经心地加插(话语、评论等)◆Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment. 杰克意外地插了一句鼓舞人心的话。◆‘I wouldn’t mind coming,’ she threw in casually. “我可以来。”她漫不经心地插话。[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv]2also[v + adv + speech] ●throw in your ˈlot with sb/sth (informal) to decide to join sb/sth and share all their successes and problems决定和…共命运(或同甘苦);与…同舟共济●throw in the ˈtowel●throw in your ˈhand (informal) to admit that you are defeated and stop trying to do sth承认失败;认输;放弃◆Decorating my apartment isn’t easy, but I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet. 装修我的公寓挺不容易,但我还不准备放弃。●ˌthrow sb ˈinto sth➡throw sb in/into sth●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈinto sthto put sb/sth suddenly in a particular state, especially a bad one使突然陷入…境地◆His announcement threw everyone into confusion. 他的宣言让大家一下子不知所措。◆Her arrival threw him into a panic. 她的到来令他惊慌失措。◆Traffic was thrown into chaos by the accident. 这场事故使交通陷入一片混乱。[v + n/pron + prep] ●throw sth into ˈdoubt/ˈquestionto make people wonder whether sth is true, correct, appropriate, etc. or whether it will be able to continue引起对…的质疑◆The future of the company has been thrown into question by recent events. 最近的事件使人们对公司前景产生了疑虑。●throw sth into (sharp) make an object more noticeable than others around it使突出;使格外醒目◆The sunlight threw the objects in the room into sharp relief. 阳光把房间里的物品照得清清楚楚。 make a particular situation, problem, etc. more noticeable than before使(情况、问题等)暴露出来;使更加明显◆Their differences have been thrown into sharp relief by the present crisis. 当前的危机将他们的分歧暴露无遗。●ˌthrow sb/sth/yourself ˈinto sth➡throw sb/sth/yourself in, etc.●ˌthrow sth ˈinto use a lot of energy or resources to try to make sth successful把(大量精力或资源等)投入;向…注入◆He’s thrown all his energy into this project. 他所有的精力都投入了这个项目。2.➡throw sb/sth/yourself in, etc.[v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow yourself ˈinto sth1. ( ˌthrow yourself ˈinto doing sth) to begin to do sth with energy and often enthusiasm投身于;热衷于;积极从事◆Laura threw herself into her work to try and forget him. 劳拉全身心投入工作,力图忘掉他。◆He threw himself into writing his report. 他埋头写报告。SYNfling yourself into sth2.➡throw sb/sth/yourself in, etc.[v + pron + prep]●ˌthrow sb ˈoff●ˌthrow sb ˈoff sthto order sb to leave a place命令某人离开(某地);驱逐;逐出◆Farmers are being thrown off their land. 农民正被赶出他们的土地。◆If he finds you on his property, he’ll throw you off. 如果他发现你在他的地盘上,会把你撵出去的。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n] (less frequent) [v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈoff●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈoff get rid of sb/sth that is making you suffer, annoying you, following you, etc.; to free yourself from sb/sth摆脱;甩掉◆to throw off repression 摆脱压制◆to throw off anger / family worries / troublesome thoughts 消除愤怒/家庭烦恼/烦心事◆They waded through a stream to throw the dogs off. 他们蹚过小溪,摆脱狗的追缠。◆I tried every way I could think of to throw him off. 我想尽一切办法甩开他。◆She wants to throw off her old image. 她想摆脱固有的形象。◆I can’t seem to throw off this cold. 我这伤风好像好不了了。 disturb sb/sth who is trying to do sth, making them fail or not behave as usual打扰;扰乱;使慌乱◆The director came in while I was speaking and that threw me off a bit. 我讲话时主任走了进来,让我有点着慌。SYNput sb off, put sb off sth[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n][v + n/pron + prep] ●throw sb off ˈ make sb unsteady and likely to fall使失去平衡;使摇摇欲坠◆I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind. 突如其来的一阵狂风差点把我吹倒。 make sb surprised and no longer calm使慌张;使张皇失措◆The senator was thrown off balance by the unexpected question. 这个出人意料的问题让参议员乱了方寸。●throw sb off ˈcourse1.if sb/sth is thrown off course, they are forced away from the direction they should be travelling in使偏离行进(或行驶)方向◆The plane was thrown off course. 飞机偏离了航向。 force sb to change the direction in which their ideas or actions are moving迫使(某人)改变方针(或行动方向)◆The government was thrown off course by economic problems. 经济问题迫使政府改变了政策。●throw sb off the ˈscentto do sth to stop sb finding you or discovering a secret使失去线索;摆脱(追踪者)◆She changed taxis to throw her pursuers off the scent. 她换乘出租车以甩掉追捕者。◆Lisa told her parents she was going to a friend’s house to throw them off the scent (= she was really going somewhere else). 莉萨对父母说她去朋友家,以掩盖行踪。●ˌthrow sth ˈoffto remove your clothes or sth covering your body quickly and carelessly匆匆脱掉,拽下,扯掉(衣服等)◆She threw off her clothes and leapt into the river. 她脱下衣服跳进了河里。SYNfling sth off OPP throw sth on[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv]●ˌthrow sb/sth/yourself ˈoff●ˌthrow sb/sth/yourself ˈoff sthto send or push sb/sth violently from a high place; to jump from a high place用力将…从高处扔下(或推下);从高处跃下◆Ed was threatening to throw himself off the roof. 埃德威胁说他要从房顶跳下去。◆The sledge hit a bump and threw me off into the snow. 雪橇撞上了一处地面突起,把我摔到了雪地里。[v + n/pron + adv][v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth ˈonto put on a piece of clothing quickly and carelessly匆匆穿上(衣服)◆He threw on his clothes and ran downstairs. 他匆忙穿上衣服跑下楼去。◆I’ll just throw a coat on and then I’ll be ready. 我套上件外衣就好。SYNfling sth on OPPthrow sth off[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv]●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈon●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈon/ˈonto sth●ˌthrow yourself ˈon/ˈonto sthto send or push sb/sth violently onto sth用力推向(或扔向);朝…猛掷◆Jamie angrily threw the book onto the table. 杰米生气地把书摔到桌上。◆The fire wasn’t burning well, so we threw on more wood. 火烧得不旺,于是我们又添了些柴。[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv][v + n/pron + prep]●ˈthrow sth on sb/sth ( ˌthrow sth uˈpon sb/sthmore formal) 1.if sb/sth throws doubt or suspicion on sb/sth, people start to wonder if sth is true, will continue, etc.使对…产生(怀疑或疑虑)◆New evidence threw doubt on Tom’s innocence. 新的证据令大家开始怀疑汤姆是否真的清白。◆This controversy throws doubt on her political future. 这一争论使人们对她的政治前途产生了疑问。◆The murder was carefully planned to throw suspicion on the woman’s husband (= to make him appear guilty). 谋杀事件经过精心策划,目的是为了将怀疑引向那名女子的丈夫。◆They tried to throw suspicion on us. 他们企图让我们受到猜疑。OBJdoubt, suspicion2. (formal) to cover sb/sth in light or shadows将(光线)照在…上;将(阴影)映在…上◆The lamp threw strange shadows on his face. 灯光在他脸上投射出奇怪的阴影。OBJlight, shadows[v + n + prep] ●throw ˈlight on sthto make a problem, etc. easier to understand把(问题等)理出头绪;使(事情)有点眉目;使易于理解◆I might be able to throw some light on the matter. 我也许可以说明一下这件事。◆Recent research has thrown new light on the cause of the disease. 最近的研究为揭示这种疾病的诱因提供了新的线索。●ˈthrow yourself on sb/sth ( ˈthrow yourself onto sb/sthless frequent) to run towards sb/sth and fall onto them扑向;倒进◆She threw herself on him and burst into tears. 她扑到他怀里哭了起来。➡ see also throw sb/sth on, etc.[v + pron + prep] ●throw yourself on sb’s ˈmercy (formal) to put yourself in a position where you must rely on sb to be kind to you and not harm or punish you只能仰仗某人宽恕(或善待)◆He threw himself on the mercy of his captors. 他只得指望劫持他的人开恩。●throw sb/sth/yourself ˈonto sth➡throw sb/sth on, etc.●ˌthrow sb ˈout●ˌthrow sb ˈout of sthto force sb to leave a place, their home, a job, etc.撵走;轰开;逐出◆Tim’s parents threw him out when he was 18. 蒂姆 18 岁时父母就把他赶出了家门。◆When the mine closed down, 50 people were thrown out of their jobs. 煤矿倒闭,有 50 人失去了工作。◆When she failed her exams, she was thrown out of college. 她考试不及格,被学院开除了。◆Many families have been thrown out into the street(= out of their homes). 很多家庭被迫流落街头。SYNboot sb out, boot sb out of sth, kick sb out, kick sb out of sth (bothinformal) NOTEOften used in the passive.常用于被动语态。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv + prep]●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈoutto confuse sb/sth; to make sb make a mistake; to make sth wrong使混乱;使出错◆One of the figures was wrong and it threw me out completely. 有一个数字有误,把我完全搞糊涂了。◆Some unexpected costs threw our calculations out by £4 000. 一些计划外的开销使我们的计算差了 4 000 英镑。OBJcalculations[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈout●ˌthrow yourself ˈout (of sth)to push or send sb/sth/yourself forward and out of a place(从…)扔出,抛出,跳出◆Frank quickly opened the window and threw his cigarette out. 弗兰克迅速打开窗户把香烟丢了出去。◆He threw himself out of the window and was killed. 他从窗户跳出去摔死了。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv + prep]●ˌthrow sth ˈout🔑1.➡throw sth away (1)◆It’s time we threw that old chair out. 我们现在该把那张旧椅子扔掉了。 reject sth such as a proposal, an idea, etc.拒不接受,否决(建议、想法等)◆The committee have thrown out the proposal for a new supermarket. 委员会否决了建新超市的提案。◆The case was thrown out of court. 法庭拒绝受理此案。OBJbill, case, proposalsNOTEOften used in the passive.常用于被动语态。 mention sth, usually without thinking carefully, for people to think about随口提出◆She threw out a few ideas for us to consider. 她随口说出几个想法供我们考虑。◆We are throwing out a challenge to residents to help clean up our neighbourhood. 我们正在倡议居民帮助清扫附近社区。OBJidea, challenge➡ note at turn sb/sth produce sth such as heat, light, smoke, etc.散出(热);发(光);冒(烟)◆The fire throws out a lot of heat. 火散发出很多热量。◆The lamp threw out just enough light to read by. 这盏灯的光刚够读书。OBJheat, light SYNemit move a hand or arm suddenly away from your body突然伸出(手或臂)◆She threw her arm out to protect herself as she fell. 摔倒时她急忙伸出胳膊保护自己。OBJhand, arm[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv] ●throw the baby out with the ˈbathwater (informal) to lose sth that you want at the same time as you are trying to get rid of sth that you do not want把婴儿和洗澡水一起泼掉;不分精华糟粕全部抛弃●ˌthrow sb ˈover (old-fashioned) to end a relationship with sb同某人绝交;抛弃某人◆His girlfriend threw him over for somebody else. 他的女友为了新欢抛弃了他。SYNchuck sb (BrE, slang), dump sb (informal) [v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]●ˌthrow sb/sth/yourself ˈover●ˌthrow sb/sth/yourself ˈover sthto move or push sb/sth so that they move over the top of sth and land on the other side of it; to move yourself violently in this way使翻过;越过◆Throw a rope over and I’ll catch it. 扔一条绳子过来,我在这边接着。◆The neighbours have been throwing rubbish over our wall. 街坊四邻一直隔墙把垃圾扔进我们家的院子里。◆I threw myself over the wall to escape from the dog. 我翻过墙去甩掉了那条狗。◆Jay took off his coat and threw it over a chair (= so it rested on the back of a chair). 杰伊脱下外套,扔到了椅子靠背上。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n] (less frequent) [v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth ˈover (to sb) (informal) to pass sth to sb in a careless or rough way将…随手扔出(给某人)◆He threw the paper over to me. 他把报纸扔给了我。◆Will you throw over those keys? 你把那些钥匙扔过来好吗?NOTEYou can also use throw sb over sth and throw sb sth over也可用 throw sb over sth 和 throw sb sth over◆Will you throw me over the paper? 把报纸扔过来好吗?◆Will you throw me the paper over? 把报纸扔过来好吗?[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]●ˌthrow sth ˈover sb/sthto quickly place sth so that it covers sb/sth迅速把…盖在…上◆I threw a blanket over the baby to keep him warm. 我给孩子搭了条毯子,让他暖和些。◆He threw a coat over his pyjamas and ran out into the street. 他在睡衣外面披了件大衣就跑到了街上。[v + n/pron + prep]●ˌthrow sth ˈround, etc.➡throw sth around, etc.●ˌthrow sb toˈgetherto bring people into contact with each other, often unexpectedly使意外相聚;使不期而遇◆Fate had thrown them together. 命运使他们聚在一起。◆We were strangers, thrown together by circumstance. 我们萍水相逢。NOTEOften used in the passive.常用于被动语态。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]●ˌthrow sth toˈgetherto make or produce sth roughly or quickly, often with things that you can find easily匆忙拼凑;仓促做出◆I’ll just throw together a quick supper. 我马上弄份简单的晚饭吧。◆Can you throw a report together by tomorrow morning? 你到明天上午能弄出一份报告吗?[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv]●ˌthrow ˈup●ˌthrow sth ˈup (informal) to bring food you have eaten back out of your mouth呕吐;呕出◆The smell made me want to throw up. 这种气味令我作呕。◆He ate the meal and immediately threw it all up. 他吃了饭,但马上全吐了。SYNbring sth up, vomit, vomit sth(up)[v + adv][v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv]●ˌthrow sb/sth ˈupto lift sb/sth and make them move upwards into the air by moving your hand quickly(猛地)举高,举起,抬起◆The baby loved being thrown up into the air. 那孩子喜欢被一下子举到空中。[v + n/pron + adv]●ˌthrow sth ˈ produce sth; to show or make people notice sth产生;使显眼;使引起注意◆Her research has thrown up some interesting facts. 她的研究有些很有意思的发现。◆The competition threw up some promising players. 这次比赛让一批有潜力的运动员崭露头角。OBJproblems, questions, ideas, facts2. (BrE, informal) to leave your job suddenly and often unexpectedly(出人意料地)突然放弃(工作)◆He threw up a highly paid job to travel round the world. 他突然辞掉高薪工作去周游世界。OBJjob SYNchuck sth in/up (BrE, informal), give sth up (informal) build sth suddenly or quickly, and often carelessly仓促建造;匆忙建起◆These buildings were thrown up hurriedly after the war. 这些楼房是战后仓促建造的。OBJbuildings4.if you throw up your arms or hands, you raise them quickly in the air猛地举起(臂或手)◆He threw up his hands to protect his face as he fell. 摔倒时他连忙举起双手护着脸。◆She threw her arms up in horror. 她惊恐地举起了双臂。OBJhand, make sth such as dust or water rise up into the air扬起,激起(灰尘、水等)◆The wheels threw up a shower of mud and water. 车轮溅起一片泥水。OBJdust, mud[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv]●ˌthrow sth uˈpon sb/sth➡throw sth on sb/sth