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●ˌstack ˈup●ˌstack sth ˈupif planes stack up or are stacked up over an airport, there are a lot of them flying around waiting to land (飞机)作分层盘旋(等待降落)◆Planes stacked up at Heathrow after an accident on the runway. 由于跑道上出了事故,飞机在希思罗机场上空作分层盘旋。 NOTE Stack and stack sth are sometimes used on their own with this meaning * stack 和 stack sth 单独使用有时也作此义◆a queue of planes stacked in the air over the closed airport 在关闭的机场上空作分层盘旋的候降飞机[v + adv] [v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] |