

词组 0_Adjectives
释义 <eng>Adjectives</eng><chn><chn_tc>形容詞</chn_tc><chn_sc>形容词</chn_sc></chn>Many adjectives can be used both before a noun:許多形容詞既可用於名詞前:许多形容词既可用于名词前:a serious expression嚴肅的表情严肃的表情grey hair灰白的頭髮灰白的头发and after a linking verb:也可用於連繫動詞後:也可用于连系动词后:She looked serious.她一臉嚴肅。她一脸严肃。His hair had turned grey.他的頭髮已變得灰白。他的头发已变得灰白。[only before noun] [usually before noun]Some adjectives or particular meanings of adjectives are always used before a noun, and cannot be used after a linking verb. They are called attributive adjectives. Attributive adjectives are labelled[only before noun]. The label[usually before noun]is used when it is rare but possible to use the adjective after a verb.有些形容詞或形容詞的某些特定含義只是用於名詞前,不能用於連繫動詞後。這類形容詞稱作定語(attributive)形容詞。定語形容詞標註為 [only before noun];標註為 [usually before noun] 的形容詞可用於連繫動詞後,但罕見。有些形容词或形容词的某些特定含义只是用于名词前,不能用于连系动词后。这类形容词称作定语(attributive)形容词。定语形容词标注为 [only before noun];标注为 [usually before noun] 的形容词可用于连系动词后,但罕见。[not before noun] [not usually before noun]Some adjectives are used only after a linking verb. They are called predicative adjectives. Predicative adjectives are labelled [not before noun]. The label [not usually before noun] is used when it is rare but possible to use the adjective before a noun.有些形容詞只用於連繫動詞後,這類形容詞稱作表語(predicative)形容詞。表語形容詞標註為 [not before noun],只能用於連繫動詞後,不能用於名詞前;標註為 [not usually before noun] 的形容詞可用於名詞前,但罕見。有些形容词只用于连系动词后,这类形容词称作表语(predicative)形容词。表语形容词标注为 [not before noun],只能用于连系动词后,不能用于名词前;标注为 [not usually before noun] 的形容词可用于名词前,但罕见。[after noun]A few adjectives always follow the noun they describe. This is shown in the dictionary by the label [after noun].少數形容詞總是置於所修飾的名詞之後,此用法在本詞典中用 [after noun] 標示。少数形容词总是置于所修饰的名词之后,此用法在本词典中用 [after noun] 标示。




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