释义 |
●ˌplunge ˈin●ˌplunge ˈinto sth1. to jump or fall into sth, usually with some force (用力)跳进;(重重地)跌入◆He plunged into the pool. 他猛地跳进了游泳池。◆The car plunged into a gorge. 汽车坠入了峡谷。◆We ran down to the sea and plunged in. 我们跑到海边,纵身跳入海水中。2. to begin doing sth or talking about sth without preparing for it or thinking carefully 贸然行动;唐突讲话;冒失地开始做(或讲)◆He plunged into the task of clearing the office. 他二话没说就开始清理办公室。◆I plunged in and started telling him all about it. 我冒冒失失地把这事对他和盘托出。[v + adv] [v + prep] |