●ˌsettle ˈdown🔑1. ( ˌsettle yourself ˈdown) to get yourself into a comfortable position when you are sitting or lying(舒适地)坐下,躺下◆She settled down in an armchair to read. 她舒舒服服地坐在扶手椅上开始阅读。◆Tom settled himself down at the table. 汤姆惬意地坐在桌子旁边。2.to start to have a calmer or quieter way of life, without many changes, especially living in one place(在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活◆He got married and settled down. 他成了家并安定下来。3.to become relaxed and confident in a new situation; to get used to a new way of life, job, etc.安顿下来;习惯于,适应(新生活、新环境等)◆She’s settling down well at her new school. 她在新学校很习惯。◆He just couldn’t settle down in the city. 他就是不能适应城市生活。4.to become calmer and less active平静下来;安定下来◆I’ve been really busy at work, but things should settle down again soon. 我确实工作一直很忙,但一切很快就会再平复下来的。◆Their speed settled down to a steady fifty miles an hour. 他们降低车速,稳定在每小时五十英里。[v + adv]1also[v + pron + adv]