●ˌrun sb ˈin (old-fashioned, informal) to arrest sb and take them to a police station把某人扭送警察局◆She was run in for shoplifting. 她因为在商店里偷东西被抓到局子里去了。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n] (rare) ▸ˈrun-in
1.(with sb) (informal) an argument or a disagreement口角;争吵◆I had a run-in with my mum this evening. 我今晚和妈妈吵了一架。2. ( ˈrun-up) (to sth) (BrE) a period of preparation just before an event takes place(活动等的)准备阶段,酝酿期◆the final run-in to the World Cup 世界杯的最后准备阶段3.the action of approaching sth or the distance you cover靠拢;接近;接近的路程◆the final run-in to the target 向目标的最后靠拢