

put/set sth in motion put/set sth to rights put/set the cat among the pigeons put/set the record straight put/set/turn your mind to sth
put/set your (own) house in order put skin in the game put sth down to experience put sth first (put sth) in a nutshell
put sth in a nutshell put sth in motion put sth in the shade put sth into effect put sth into operation
put sth into play put sth into practice put sth into reverse put sth on ice put sth on one side
put sth on record put sth on the map (put sth) on the slate put sth on the slate put sth out of its misery
put sth out of their misery put sth out of your head put sth out of your mind put sth right put sth straight
put sth through its paces put sth through their paces put sth to good account put sth to good use put sth to one side
put sth to rights put sth to shame put sth to sleep put sth to the test put sth to the torch
put sth to the vote put/stick the boot in put/stick the knife in put/stick the knife into sb put/stick two fingers up at sb
put/stick your oar in put that in your pipe and smoke it put the arm/bite on sb put the arm on sb put the bite on sb
put the boot in put the cart before the horse put the cat among the pigeons put the clock back put the fear of God into sb
put the frighteners on put the frighteners on (sb) put the frighteners on sb put the kibosh on sth put the knife in
put the knife into sb put the lid on sth put the mockers on sth put the pedal to the metal put the record straight
put the roses back in your cheeks put the screws on put the screws on (sb) put the screws on sb put the skids under sb
put the skids under sb/sth put the skids under sth put the squeeze on sb put the squeeze on sb (to do sth) put the squeeze on sb to do sth
put the (tin) lid on sth put the tin lid on sth put the wind up sb put things right put/throw a spanner in the works
put/throw sb off the scent put/throw your weight behind sth put together put/turn/send sb out to grass put/turn sth to good account
put/turn the clock back put two and two together put two fingers up at sb putty putty in sb’s hands
put-up put up a fight put up a (good) fight put up a good fight put up or shut up
put words in/into sb’s mouth put words in sb’s mouth put words into sb’s mouth put years on sb put you in mind of sb
put you in mind of sb/sth put you in mind of sth put your back into sth put your best foot forward put your cards on the table
put your feet up put your foot down put your foot in it put your foot in your mouth put your hand in/into your pocket
put your hand into your pocket put your hand in your pocket put your head in the lion’s mouth put your head on the block put your house in order
put your mind to sth put your money on sb put (your) money on sb/sth put your money on sth put your money where your mouth is
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