off the record
off the record
- an informal or unofficial statement
- comments or statements made in confidence and not to be published or recorded
- a statement not to be attributed to the one who made it
- not to be known publicly
Example Sentences
- I will give you the information regarding what really happened, but strictly off the record.
- He candidates comments were meant to be off the record, but the press reported it and it created a huge controversy.
- The actress's off the record comments about her co star's appearance were leaked to the media causing much embarrassment to both of them.
- She made it clear that her statement was off the record and could not be published anywhere or attributed to her.
- Off the record, he let me on to the secret strategy that his company was using to hook customers to their products.
- The conversation between the security advisers of the two agencies was completely secret and off the record, and it was to be reported that they never met.
- After the interview, the sportsman gave the reporters some off the record snippets of what went on in the locker room.
- “This is off the record right now, but we might announce a large bonus this year,” the manager said, much to the cheer of his employees.
The phrase originated around the 1930s.