double take
double take
- to be so surprised at something that you have to take another look (American meaning)
- a delayed reaction to something (British meaning)
- It can be accompanied by a sudden movement of the head in order to take another look
Example Sentences
- I did a double take when I saw how much weight my best friend had lost.
- When the new car entered the parking lot everyone did a double take.
- Keanu Reeves would typically be easy to pick out in a crowd, but his new appearance can make just about anyone do a double take. Daniela Sternitzky-Di Napoli, Houston Chronicle, “Keanu Reeves spotted looking like Forrest Gump at an event in Italy.”
- “I just looked up and that's when I spotted the flickering in the water.”
“It looked as though the light was bouncing off something but there were no boats or people and it was something long – very long.”
“I had to do a double take because there was just nothing to explain it.”
The phrase originated in the 1920s. It is said to have originated from directors needing to take a second look at a recording because something seems wrong. They would then have to do another “take” meaning that another shot is needed.