off the hook
off the hook
- free of a difficult situation
- let off from blame or trouble
- no longer have to deal with unpleasant circumstances
- escape or released from a tough situation
Example Sentences
- Since it was his first offence, and a minor one at that, he was let off the hook with just a warning.
- He was charged with leaking confidential information, but I got him off the hook by vouching for his integrity.
- The legal system had become so corrupt that the hardened criminal was repeatedly got off the hook by the powers who were behind him.
- All evidence of the robbery pointed to him, but he got himself off the hook by somehow proving that he was out of town during the incident.
- Charges of deceit and falsehood had been slapped on him, but he was confident of getting off the hook because of his connections with powerful people.
- I really did not want to attend that meeting. Thankfully another urgent matter came up and I got off the hook as had to attend to it.
- Though we are letting you off the hook this time, you'd better be careful, you won't be so lucky next time.
The phrase alludes to a fish freeing itself from a fishhook, thus avoiding being caught. It originated in the mid 1800s.