black day
a black day
Meaning | Synonyms
- it is a day on which something terrible has happened
- a day of a bad incident
- a day of grieve
- a day when something disastrous happens to someone
Example Sentences
- My grandmother told me that it is a black day tomorrow.
- She grieved for her aunt's death anniversary. It was her black day.
- It was a black day for girls when the local shopping center closed down.
- When we heard the news that our favorite Teacher had died, the entire school knew it was going to be a black day for all of us.
- Every normal person has a black day at least once in their lifetime.
There are different references available regarding this phrase. In Nepal, a black day is a name given to the anniversary of the declaration of new administrative law. In South Korea, a black day is an unofficial holiday in the month of April for the gathering of the people who are single. In Nigeria black day is a day on which a tanker full of fuel exploded which caused great harm. In Indiana – a Midwestern U.S. state, Black Day of the Indiana General Assembly is a day on which violence broke out amongst the members of the statehouse.