just what the doctor ordered
just what the doctor ordered
Synonym | Variant
- exactly what the doctor ordered
- exactly what was wanted or needed
- just the right thing at the right time
- the ideal thing
- a good thing which benefits the health or is very enjoyable
- a situation for all to enjoy
- something so good for you that a doctor might have written a prescription for it
- often said about food
Example Sentences
- I was so hungry, and that meal was absolutely delicious! It was just what the doctor ordered.
- It was a good idea to take the kids out for a walk in the sunshine. Now it's calm and quiet in the house – just what the doctor ordered.
- A trip to the seaside would be just what the doctor ordered for the whole family. It will give us all a chance to relax.
- I feel so much better after that spa treatment. It was just what the doctor ordered.
- Your arrival in the office happened just at the right time, Bill. You know the work inside out and have helped us tremendously. You are just what the doctor ordered.
- The new chef is exactly what the doctor ordered. He is a genius with a frying pan!
The phrase dates back to the first half of the 1900's.