can of worms
a can of worms
- to get into something that is messy, has problems and is unwanted
- something that is complicated and involves a lot of hassle (to do)
Example Sentences
- The can of worms was wide open when he asked her about her past.
- I am not opening a can of worms by answering that question.
- To get into that discussion would mean to open a can of worms.
- The family has many can of worms so it is best to not ask them any personal questions.
- The death of the rich man opened a can of worms which was difficult for the police to sort out.
- The doctor had to go through a can of worms to figure out a diagnosis for his problem because he had many complications.
- To sell that house would mean that I would have to speak with my brother and I am not about to open that can of worms.
- Maurice opened a can of worms when she spoke more about her career choices.
- No one wanted to be the part of that project, realising that it was a can of worms.
The origin of this phrase is from the 1950's found in Edwardsville Intelligencer, published in the United States. It is a writing cliché but has got popularity is verbal communication also.
- Pandora's Box