

词组 oxygen
释义 oxygen


ADJECTIVE | VERB + OXYGEN | OXYGEN + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEpure 纯氧liquid 液态氧atmospheric 大气中的氧VERB + OXYGENcarry, contain 输送氧气;含氧the blood which carries oxygen to the brain把氧输送到大脑的血液absorb, breathe, consume, take in, use up 吸收/呼吸/消耗/吸入/耗尽氧气generate, produce, release 产生氧气;释放氧气After dark the plants stop producing oxygen.天黑后植物不再制造氧气。administer, give sb 供给(某人)氧气get, receive 获得氧气The patient didn't seem to be getting enough oxygen.病人似乎缺氧。deprive sb/sth of, starve sb/sth of 不给⋯氧气;使⋯缺氧There was a risk the brain might be starved of oxygen.大脑可能有缺氧的危险。OXYGEN + NOUNatom, molecule 氧原子;氧分子level, supply 氧气水平/供给consumption 氧消耗deprivation 缺氧mask 氧气面罩cylinder, tank 氧气瓶PHRASESa lack of oxygen 缺氧a supply of oxygen 供氧




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