

词组 senator
释义 senator


ADJECTIVE | VERB + SENATOR | PHRASES ADJECTIVEAmerican, US 美国参议员Democratic, Republican 民主党/共和党参议员conservative, liberal 保守派/自由派参议员junior, senior 年轻/资深参议员state 州参议员a Republican state senator共和党州参议员former 前参议员the former US Senator, James Hurley美国前参议员詹姆斯・赫尔利fellow 参议院同事He was pilloried by his fellow Senators.他受到参议院其他参议员的公开批评。key, leading 关键/主要参议员We'll talk to two key senators on the Intelligence Committee.我们将与在情报委员会任职的两位参议院要员会谈。VERB + SENATORelect, elect sb (as) 选举(某人为)参议员become 当选参议员In 1988 he became a US Senator.1988 年他当选美国参议员。PHRASESsenators and congressmen, senators and representatives (both NAmE) 参众两院议员Write your senators and congressmen urging them to protect the US constitution.给参众两院议员们写信,敦促他们维护美国宪法。I sent off a few letters to my senators and representatives.我给参众两院议员寄出了几封信。senators on both sides of the aisle (= Democrats and Republicans) (NAmE) 民主、共和两党的参议员




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