

词组 news
释义 news


1new information 新信息ADJECTIVE | ... OF NEWS | VERB + NEWS | NEWS + VERB | NEWS + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrilliant (BrE, informal) , excellent, fantastic, good, great, happy, marvellous/marvelous (especially BrE) , terrific, tremendous (especially BrE) , welcome, wonderful 好消息;重大消息;让人高兴的消息The good news is that we've all been given an extra day's leave.好消息是我们每个人都可以多休息一天。Great news! We've bought the house.大新闻!我们已经买下那所房子了。encouraging, positive 令人振奋的消息;正面的消息awful, bad, devastating, disappointing, grim, sad, terrible, tragic, unwelcome 糟糕的/不好的/灾难性的/令人失望的/严酷的/令人难过的/可怕的/悲惨的/讨厌的消息disturbing, shock (BrE) , shocking 令人不安的消息;令人震惊的消息big, dramatic, important, major (especially NAmE) , momentous (especially BrE) 重大的消息;激动人心的消息;重要的消息breaking, hot, late, latest, recent 突发新闻;热点新闻;最近的消息;最新消息;近期消息Some late news has just come in.刚收到几条最新消息。old 旧消息exciting, interesting 令人振奋的消息;趣闻hard 重大新闻front-page, headline 头版新闻;标题新闻It was front-page news at the time.这在当时是头版新闻。online 在线新闻domestic, local, national, regional 国内/本地/全国/地区新闻foreign, international 国外/国际新闻business, City (BrE) , economic, financial 商业/伦敦金融界/经济/金融新闻celebrity 名人新闻sports 体育新闻football, etc. 足球等新闻shipping (NAmE) (shipping forecast in BrE) 海上天气预报... OF NEWSbit, item, piece 一点儿消息;一则新闻;一条新闻We've had a bit of good news.我们有几条好消息。VERB + NEWScatch, get, have, hear, learn, receive 得知消息;听到消息;收到消息You can catch all the latest news on our website.你可以在我们的网站上找到所有的最新消息。Have you heard the latest news?你听到最新的消息了吗?catch up on 打听新消息I want to catch up on all your news.我想知道和你有关的所有最新消息。follow 跟踪消息I follow food industry news fairly closely.我对食品行业新闻相当关注。announce, break, bring (sb), convey, deliver, give sb, relay, reveal, tell sb 宣布/透露/(给某人)带来/传递/递送/向某人提供/传播/透露/告诉某人消息The police had to break the news to the boy's parents.警方不得不向男孩的父母透露这个消息。confirm 确认消息The company refused to confirm the news.公司拒绝确认这一消息。share, spread 分享/传播消息He shared his good news with everyone else in the office.他和办公室里所有的人分享了这个好消息。She ran from office to office, spreading the news.她跑着向每个办公室传达这一消息。print, publish 印刷/出版消息leak 泄露消息News of their engagement was leaked to the press.他们订婚的消息泄露给了新闻界。release 发布消息The actor's family released news of his death last night.昨晚这位演员的家人发布了他离世的消息。post 张贴消息The news was posted on the band's website.这一新闻被放在该乐队的网站上。bury, suppress 掩盖/封锁消息Drug companies tend to bury news of drug failures.药品公司一般会隐瞒药物无疗效的信息。report 报道新闻I don't really have any news to report.我没有什么新闻可报道。carry, cover 登载/报道消息'The Daily Nation' carried news of the event.《民族日报》刊发了关于这一事件的新闻。gather, get 搜集新闻;得到消息It's the reporter's job to go out and gather news.出去搜集新闻是记者的事情。await, expect, wait for 等待/盼望/等候消息They are waiting for news of their relatives.他们正在等候亲戚的消息。digest 理解消息He took a moment to digest the unbelievable news.他过了一会儿才领会了那令人难以置信的消息。greet, react to, welcome 对消息作出反应;乐于接受消息The news was greeted with astonishment.这消息令人惊讶。celebrate 庆贺消息Mrs Trowsdale will be celebrating the news with her family.特罗兹代尔夫人将与家人一起庆贺这一消息。hit, make 成为新闻It was a very minor incident and barely made the news.这是个小小的事件,算不上什么新闻。dominate 在新闻中占首要地位California's energy crisis dominated the news.加利福尼亚的能源危机成为压倒性新闻。NEWS + VERBcome, come in, come through 消息传来News is coming in of a large fire in central London.有消息说伦敦市中心发生了大火。break, emerge, leak out 消息传出/出现/走漏The news broke while we were away.我们不在时消息泄露出去了。arrive, reach sb 消息传来;消息被某人知悉filter through (sth) 消息通过⋯泄露spread, travel 消息传播/传开The news spread like wildfire.消息不胫而走。NEWS + NOUNbroadcast, bulletin, flash, programme/program, show 新闻播报;新闻简报;插播的简明新闻;新闻节目The schedules were interrupted for a news flash.节目安排被一条插播的新闻打断了。article, clip, exclusive (especially BrE) , footage, headlines, item, release, report, round-up, story, update 新闻文章;新闻剪报;独家新闻;新闻镜头;新闻标题;一则新闻;新闻发布;新闻报道;综合消息;新闻特写;最新新闻digest 新闻摘要a downloadable news digest一则可下载的新闻摘要coverage 新闻报道News coverage of the fighting was extremely biased.有关这场斗争的新闻报道极不公正。event 新闻事件briefing 新闻发布会He gave his first news briefing since being appointed.他召开了任职以来的首场新闻发布会。 (see also news conference) agency, organization, outlet, service 通讯社;新闻机构;新闻媒体desk, room 新闻采编部;新闻编辑室channel, network, station 新闻频道;新闻网;新闻台Every news channel covered the story.所有的新闻频道都报道了这件事。magazine 新闻杂志anchor (especially NAmE) , broadcaster, crew (especially NAmE) , editor, journalist, presenter, reporter 新闻主持人;新闻播音员;全体新闻工作人员;新闻编辑;新闻记者;新闻主播source 新闻来源media 新闻媒体junkie (informal) 新闻迷If you're a news junkie, you can get updates mailed to you.如果你是新闻迷,我们可以把最新的新闻寄给你。alert, ticker 新闻快讯;滚动新闻条You can get news alerts through your cellphone.你可以通过手机获取新闻快讯。website 新闻网站blog 新闻博客PREPOSITIONat the news 得知消息She went completely to pieces at the news of his death.听说他的死讯,她彻底崩溃了。in the news 被报道She's been in the news a lot lately.最近不断出现有关她的新闻。with the news 带来消息Joan came in with the news that a pay rise had been agreed.琼带来消息说加薪已获批准。news about 有关⋯的消息I'm not interested in news about celebrities.我对名人的新闻不感兴趣。news from 来自⋯的消息And now with news from the Games, over to our Olympic correspondent.下面是来自奥运赛场的消息,由我们的奥运会采访记者报道。news of ⋯的新闻news of fresh killings关于最近发生的命案的新闻news on 关于⋯的消息Is there any news on the car bomb attack?有没有关于汽车爆炸袭击的新闻?news to 对⋯来说是新闻It was news to me that they were married.我这是第一次听说他们结婚了。




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