

词组 new
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2different/not familiar 不同;不熟悉VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe 新颖These ideas are not entirely new.这些想法并不是很新颖。ADVERBvery 很新奇fairly 还算新颖completely, entirely, quite, wholly 十分新奇;非常新奇dramatically, radically 引人注目地新;极为新奇fundamentally 本质上新奇genuinely, truly 确实新颖;真正新奇genuinely new approaches to data recording真正新奇的数据录制方法supposedly 据说新奇hardly, not exactly 几乎无新奇可言;并非新颖City-based exhibitions are hardly new.在城市举办的展览算不上新奇。PREPOSITIONto 对⋯来说新奇It was all very new and strange to me.这一切对我而言非常新奇。She's still quite new to the job and needs a lot of help.她仍未熟悉这份工作,还需要很多帮助。PHRASESnothing new about sth, nothing new in sth ⋯并不新鲜There is nothing new in teenagers wanting to change the world.青年人想改变世界不是一件新鲜事。




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