

词组 mug
释义 mug


ADJECTIVE | VERB + MUG | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, large 大缸子empty 空的大杯子chipped 有缺口的大杯子hot, steaming, warm 热乎乎的/热气腾腾的/温暖的一大杯a hot mug of tea一大杯热茶beer, coffee 大啤酒杯;大咖啡杯pint (especially BrE) 品脱杯travel (especially NAmE) 旅行杯commemorative, souvenir (both especially BrE) 纪念杯ceramic, china (especially BrE) , plastic, etc. 大陶瓷杯、大瓷杯、大塑料杯等VERB + MUGfill, refill 倒满/加满大杯子She filled her mug with orange juice.她给自己倒了满满一大杯橙子汁。pour (sb), pour (sb) out (给某人)倒一大杯Kyle got up and poured himself a mug of soup.凯尔起身给自己倒了一大杯汤。He poured out a mug of tea.他倒了一大杯茶。pour sth into 把⋯倒进大杯子She poured hot water into the mug.她把热水倒进大杯子里。drink 喝一大杯He drank a mug of coffee and left.他喝了一大杯咖啡后就离开了。sip 从大杯子里啜饮She was sipping a mug of coffee.她正在用一个大杯抿咖啡。drain 喝干大杯She drained her mug and put it down.她喝干了一大杯,然后把杯子放下。drink sth from 从大杯子里喝⋯We had to drink the champagne from mugs.我们不得不用大杯子喝香槟。PHRASESa mug of beer, coffee, tea, etc. 一大杯啤酒、咖啡、茶水等the rim of a mug 杯口He ran his finger around the rim of the mug.他的手指来回摸着杯口。




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