

词组 nerve
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3nerves nervous state 紧张ADJECTIVE | VERB + NERVES | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexam (especially BrE) , first-night (BrE) 考试引起的紧张;初次登场的紧张I've never suffered from first-night nerves.我从未有过初次登场的紧张。jittery (NAmE) 紧张不安It gave me time to calm my jittery nerves before meeting her.这让我在见她之前有时间稳定我紧张不安的神经。VERB + NERVEScalm, control, ease, settle, soothe, steady 克服/控制/减轻/镇定/缓和/稳定紧张情绪She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves.她做了几个深呼吸来稳定紧张情绪。suffer from 精神紧张PHRASESan attack of nerves 精神紧张I had an attack of nerves just before I went on stage.登台前那一刻我感到非常紧张。a bag of nerves, a bundle of nerves 十分紧张;极度焦虑By the time of the interview, I was a bundle of nerves.到面试时我十分紧张。




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