

词组 throw
释义 throw


ADVERB | VERB + THROW | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBangrily 生气地扔carelessly, casually 随手扔He threw the keys casually down on the table.他随手把钥匙扔在桌子上。quickly, suddenly 迅速/突然扔掉literally, practically 几乎抛出We were literally thrown out of our bunks.我们差点儿被抛出床铺。overboard 抛出舷外The ship's cargo was thrown overboard.船上的货物被抛到了海里。around, aside, away, back, backwards/backward, down, forward, out 乱扔;扔在一边;扔掉;向后甩;扔下;向前甩;扔出去She threw her head back and laughed.她仰头大笑起来。VERB + THROWbe ready to, be tempted to, want to 准备扔;想要扔threaten to 威胁要扔He threatened to throw her in the river if she screamed.他威胁她敢叫就把她扔到河里。be going to 打算扔PREPOSITIONat 朝⋯扔He threw a stone at the window.他朝窗子扔了块石头。in, into 扔进⋯I just wanted to throw myself into his arms and cry.我真想扑到他怀里大哭一场。to 扔给⋯She threw the ball to him.她把球扔给他。towards/toward 朝⋯扔PHRASESthrow sth open 猛力推开⋯He threw the double doors open in a dramatic gesture.他动作夸张地推开了双扇门。




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