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seat noun 2in Parliament, Congress, etc. 议会;国会ADJECTIVE | VERB + SEAT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcongressional, House, Senate (all in the US) 国会/众议院/参议院席位◆Republicans won 52.7% of the House seats.共和党赢得了众议院 52.7% 的席位。Commons, parliamentary (both in the UK) 下院/议会席位council (BrE) 地方议会席位board 董事会席位◆the search for finance chiefs to fill board seats寻找金融主管进入董事会marginal (especially BrE) 边缘席位open (NAmE) 公开竞选席位◆The Democrats captured 18 of the 30 open seats.30 个公开竞选席位中民主党获得了 18 个。safe 安全席位Democratic, Labour, Republican, Tory, etc. 民主党、工党、共和党、保守党等席位VERB + SEATgain, pick up, secure, take (BrE) , win 获得席位;得到席位;赢得席位◆Republicans gained five seats in the Senate.共和党赢得了参议院的 5 个席位。◆The Liberals took seven seats from Labour.自由党从工党手里夺走了 7 个席位。◆The Labour candidate took the seat with a majority of 163.工党候选人以 163 票的多数赢得了那个席位。lose 失去席位◆He lost his seat in the last election.他在上届选举中未能当选。hold, keep, retain 保住/保留/留住席位◆The party held the seat with a 10 000 majority.该党以 10,000 票的多数票保住了席位。regain, win back 重获/夺回席位contest (especially BrE) , fight (BrE) , run for (NAmE) 竞争/争夺/竞选席位◆He has been selected to fight the seat at the next election.他被推选在下届选举中竞选那个席位。◆She is running for a seat in the New York State Assembly.她正竞选纽约州议会的一个席位。defend 保住席位take (= begin your duties in Parliament) (BrE) 议员履新◆She took her seat in Parliament as Britain's youngest MP.她上任时是英国议会最年轻的议员。hold, occupy 占有/占据席位◆Republicans currently hold 51 seats in the Senate.共和党目前占有参议院中 51 个议席。resign, vacate 辞去议员职务;空出议员席位PREPOSITIONseat in ⋯的席位◆a seat in Congress国会的席位seat on ⋯的席位◆a seat on the board董事会的席位 |