释义 |
tender noun (especially BrE) ADJECTIVE | VERB + TENDER | TENDER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEhighest, lowest 最高价格的/最低价格的投标successful 成功的投标competitive 竞争性投标◆The contract was put out to competitive tender.合同付诸竞标。open, private, public 公开招标;非公开招标VERB + TENDERmake, put in, submit 进行投标;提交标书invite, put sth out to, seek 招标;就⋯进行招标◆The government invited tenders for a project to computerize the social security system.政府就社会保障系统计算机化项目进行了招标。go out to 对外招标◆The building of the new school will go out to tender.新校的建设将对外招标。win 中标lose 输掉投标accept 接受投标TENDER + NOUNoffer 投标出价;兼并要约document 投标文件price 投标价格PREPOSITIONby tender 以投标方式◆The property is to be sold by tender.那处房产将以投标方式出售。 |