

词组 say
释义 say


ADVERB | VERB + SAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBaloud, out loud 出声地说loudly 大声地说gently, quietly, softly 轻声地说;悄悄地说;温柔地说gruffly, huskily 声音粗哑地说;嗓音嘶哑地说at once 立即说at last, at length, finally 终于说simply 简单地说'I am home,' he said simply.“我回来了。”他简单地说。hastily, hurriedly, quickly 仓促地说;匆忙地说;迅速地说slowly 不慌不忙地说abruptly, suddenly 突兀地说;突然说briskly, curtly, shortly, tersely 三言两语地说;简练地说angrily, bitterly, crossly (especially BrE) , fiercely, sharply 生气地说;愤愤不平地说;气呼呼地说;愤怒地说;尖锐地说'I don't know,' she said crossly.“我不知道。”她气呼呼地说。bluntly, flatly, matter-of-factly, plainly 直截了当地说;断然地说;平静淡然地说;据实说firmly, weakly 坚定地说;懦弱地说harshly, sternly 苛刻地说;严厉地说kindly, sweetly 友好地说;动听地说brightly, cheerfully, cheerily, happily 快活地说;愉快地说;兴高采烈地说;高兴地说enthusiastically 热情地说with a grin, with a smile 咧嘴笑着说;微笑着说'You'll see!' Lianne said with a smile.“你等着瞧吧!”利安笑着说道。with a smirk, with a wink 傻笑着说;眨着眼说with a chuckle, with a laugh 轻声笑着说;大笑着说with a frown, with a shrug, with a sigh 皱着眉说;耸着肩说;叹着气说'Well, at least we tried!' he said with a shrug.“算了,至少我们尽力了!”他耸了耸肩说道。miserably, sadly 凄惨地说;伤心地说gravely, grimly, seriously, solemnly 板着脸说;严厉地说;严肃地说;郑重地说airily, casually, lightly, nonchalantly, smoothly 轻描淡写地说;随口说;满不在乎地说;无动于衷地说;油嘴滑舌地说'There's nothing wrong with him,' she said airily.“他没事。”她轻描淡写地说。stiffly 生硬地说proudly 骄傲地说smugly 沾沾自喜地说thoughtfully 若有所思地说conversationally 闲聊似地说calmly, evenly, mildly 平静地说;语气平和地说;温和地说impatiently, patiently 不耐烦地说;耐心地说defensively, indignantly 怀有戒心地说;愤慨地说politely 礼貌地说soothingly 宽慰地说apologetically, sheepishly 歉意地说;难为情地说awkwardly, hesitantly, lamely, nervously 局促不安地说;犹犹豫豫地说;信心不足地说;紧张地说jokingly, teasingly 开玩笑地说;揶揄地说drily, mockingly, sarcastically 不动声色地调侃;嘲弄地说;冷嘲热讽地说coldly, coolly, icily 冷冷地说;冷漠地说breathlessly 上气不接下气地说absently 茫然地说honestly, sincerely, truthfully 诚实地说;真诚地说;坦诚地说Can you honestly say you're sorry?你能诚心诚意地说对不起吗?VERB + SAYbe about to, be going to 正要说;打算说I've forgotten what I was going to say.我忘了自己刚才想要说什么了。hasten to 急忙说long to, want to 渴望说;想说I want to say how much we have all enjoyed this evening.我想说今晚我们都玩得非常开心。hate to 不愿说I hate to say it, but I think Stephen may be right.我本不愿说,但我觉得斯蒂芬可能是对的。dare (to) 胆敢说I dared not say a word about it to anyone.我不敢对任何人说起此事。I dare say that she'll come to the wedding.我敢说她会来参加婚礼。suffice it to, suffice to 只需说⋯就够了Suffice it to say, I refused to get involved.只说一句,我拒绝牵扯进去。be fair to 说句公道话It is fair to say a considerable amount of effort went into the project.说句公道话,这一项目的参与者花费了很多心血。have nothing to, have something to 无话/有话要说Be quiet, I have something to say.安静,我有话要说。hear sb 听到某人说I heard him say they were leaving tomorrow.我听到他说他们明天走。PREPOSITIONabout 说关于⋯Do you have anything to say about this?对此事你有什么要说的吗?to 对⋯说That's not what he said to me.他对我不是那么说的。PHRASESbe quoted as saying sth 援引(某人的)话说⋯A government spokesman was quoted as saying that they would take steps to restore order.据政府发言人说,他们将采取措施恢复秩序。a thing to say 这样说是⋯的That was a very cruel thing to say.说这话太刻毒了。I have to say, I must say 我不得不说;我必须说I have to say I didn't expect it to be so good.我得承认,我没料到会这么好。it has to be said 必须承认She wasn't at her best, it has to be said.必须承认,她没有表现出最佳水平。needless to say 不用说Needless to say, it all went smoothly in the end.不用说,最终一切都很顺利。




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