

词组 dissent
释义 dissent


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISSENT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEserious, strong, vigorous (especially NAmE) 严重的分歧;重大分歧;强烈的异议The war provoked strong dissent.战争引起了重大分歧。growing 不断加剧的分歧internal 内部歧见internal party dissent党内歧见legitimate 合法异议efforts to suppress legitimate dissent压制合法异议的努力political, religious 政治上的/宗教上的歧见Political dissent is not tolerated.政治上的歧见是不可容忍的。VERB + DISSENTcause 造成分歧express, register, show 表达/表露/表明不同意见There are many ways of expressing dissent.表达不同意见有许多途径。It is easier to register dissent in the Internet era.在因特网时代表达不同意见更为简单。brook, tolerate 容忍异议crush, quash, silence, stifle, suppress 压制异议;压制不同意见;钳制异见The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.这个政权残酷压制所有不同意见。PREPOSITIONdissent against 对⋯的不顺从popular dissent against the Church对教会普遍的不顺从dissent from 源自⋯不一致His dissent from his family's religious beliefs caused a lot of ill-feeling.他与家人宗教信仰的分歧招致了许多猜忌。PHRASESa voice of dissent 持异议的呼声In the early 1960s, the voices of dissent began to rise.20 世纪 60 年代早期,反对的声音开始响起。




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