

词组 dispute
释义 dispute


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISPUTE | DISPUTE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, major, serious 相当大的争论;重大的争执;严重的纠纷There is considerable dispute over the precise definition of 'social class' as a term.关于 social class (社会阶层)这个术语的确切定义存在相当大的争论。The incident sparked off a major dispute between the two countries.这一事件引发了两国间的重大争执。minor, petty 小争执acrimonious, bitter, heated 激烈的争执damaging (BrE) 破坏性的争执continuing, lengthy, long-running, long-standing, ongoing, protracted 持续的/冗长的/长期的/持久的/还在继续的/漫长的争执outstanding 未解决的争执He proposed a negotiated settlement of the outstanding disputes between the two countries.他提出协商解决两国之前尚未解决的争端。public 公开的争执international, local 国际/地方争端internal 内部争端There were lengthy internal disputes between the two wings of the party.该党两派之间长期存在内部纷争。custody (especially NAmE) , domestic, family, marital 监护权纠纷;家庭纠纷;婚姻纠纷industrial (especially BrE) , labour/labor (especially NAmE) , pay (especially BrE) 劳资纠纷;薪酬纠纷border, boundary, land, territorial 边境/边界/土地/领土争端jurisdictional 行政管辖权争议a jurisdictional dispute between the Army and the CIA军队和中央情报局在管辖权方面的争议legal 法律纠纷contract, contractual, patent 合同纠纷;专利纠纷ideological, political 意识形态争论;政治争端commercial, financial, trade 商业纠纷;财务纠纷;贸易争端doctrinal, religious, theological 教义/宗教/神学争论VERB + DISPUTEcause, lead to, provoke, spark 引起纠纷;导致争议;激起争端;诱发纠纷one of the many factors that led to the dispute导致争论的众多因素之一engage in, enter, enter into 加入争执be drawn into 被拖入争论Governments are often drawn into disputes about matters of public taste and decency.政府经常被拖入有关公众品味和社会风化问题的争论。be embroiled in, be engaged in, be involved in 陷入争执;卷入争论They became embroiled in a dispute with their competitors.他们与竞争对手卷入到一起纠纷中。deal with, handle 处理纠纷Police have difficulties in dealing with domestic disputes.警方很难处理家庭纠纷。adjudicate, arbitrate, arbitrate in (BrE) , decide, mediate, mediate in (BrE) 裁决纠纷;仲裁纠纷;调解纠纷The purpose of industrial tribunals is to adjudicate disputes between employers and employees.设立劳资裁判庭旨在裁决劳资纠纷。end, resolve, settle, solve 结束争端;消除争执;解决纠纷lose, win 在争论中失败/获胜avoid, prevent 避免争执;防止纠纷be open to 尚有争议His theories are open to dispute (= can be disagreed with).他的理论值得商榷。DISPUTE + VERBarise, begin, erupt, occur 争执产生/开始/爆发/发生No one could remember exactly how the dispute had arisen.没人能确切记得这场争论是如何发生的。escalate 争执升级concern sth 争执关乎⋯disputes concerning environmental protection有关环境保护的争论involve sb/sth 争执涉及⋯PREPOSITIONbeyond dispute 无可争议The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment (= it could no longer be argued about).事情已由法庭裁定,不容争辩。in dispute (with) 与⋯有争端The actual sum of compensation due is still in dispute (= being argued about).应赔偿的实际总额仍在争论之中。The employees have been in dispute with management for three weeks.劳方已经与资方争执 3 周了。under dispute 处于争论中the matters under dispute争论中的事情dispute about, dispute over 关于⋯的争论dispute among ⋯之间的争论The exact relationship between the two languages is a matter of dispute among scholars.这两种语言之间的确切关系在学者中间存在争议。dispute as to 就⋯的争论There is no dispute as to the facts.关于事实并无争议。dispute between ⋯之间的争执a long-standing dispute between the families over ownership of the land两个家庭之间关于土地所有权的长期争执dispute with 与⋯的争论PHRASESa matter, point, subject, etc. of dispute 引起争论的问题、论点、话题等the resolution of a dispute, the settlement of a dispute 争端的解决




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