

词组 disorder
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3illness 疾病ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISORDER | DISORDER + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEserious, severe 严重的紊乱chronic 慢性疾病common, rare 常见/罕见疾病genetic, inherited 遗传病blood, brain, etc. 血液病、大脑功能障碍等circulatory, eating, etc. 循环障碍、进食障碍等Anorexia is a common eating disorder.厌食是一种常见的进食障碍。physical 身体不适behavioural/behavioral, emotional, mental, nervous, neurological, personality, psychiatric, psychological 行为障碍;情绪障碍;心理障碍;神经错乱;神经性障碍;人格障碍;精神失常;心理障碍attention deficit, bipolar, obsessive compulsive, post-traumatic stress, seasonal affective, etc. 注意障碍、双相型障碍、强迫症、创伤后应激障碍、季节性情感障碍等VERB + DISORDERhave, suffer from 患病She suffers from a rare blood disorder.她患有一种罕见的血液病。develop 患有⋯病Some people develop psychological disorders as a result of trauma.有些人因受过创伤而患有心理障碍。cause 引起疾病the argument that thin models in magazines cause eating disorders关于杂志上苗条的模特引起进食障碍的论点prevent 预防疾病Consumption of fatty acids may help prevent the disorder.消耗脂肪酸可能有助于预防这种疾病。treat 治疗疾病diagnose 诊断疾病Her doctor diagnosed a thyroid disorder.她的医生诊断她为甲状腺疾病。DISORDER + VERBaffect sth 疾病侵袭⋯disorders affecting the very old, such as senile dementia老年痴呆之类侵袭老年人的疾病PREPOSITIONdisorder of ⋯的疾病disorders of the digestive system消化系统紊乱 topic at illness




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