

词组 difference
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3disagreement 分歧ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIFFERENCE | DIFFERENCE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEirreconcilable, major, serious, sharp 不可调和的分歧;重大分歧;严重分歧minor, slight 小分歧;轻微的意见不和outstanding 未解决的分歧These talks aim to resolve the outstanding differences between the two sides.这些会谈的目的是消除双方尚存的分歧。VERB + DIFFERENCEhave 有分歧They have had some minor differences, but in general they get on well together.他们之间存在一些小分歧,不过总的来说相处得还不错。make up (BrE) , patch up, put aside, reconcile, resolve, settle 解决分歧;弥合分歧;搁置分歧;消除分歧We're going to get the two sides together to see if they can't settle their differences.我们打算把双方召集到一起看他们是否能解决分歧。DIFFERENCE + VERBarise, emerge, occur 分歧产生;分歧出现Differences may arise when the young people do not have the same expectations as their parents.年轻人的期望与父母不同时就会出现分歧。remain 分歧仍然存在Although the talks were generally successful, differences remain between the groups.尽管会谈整体上是成功的,双方仍存在分歧。PREPOSITIONdifference as to, difference over 关于⋯的分歧There were some differences as to how to deal with the crisis.关于如何应对这场危机存在不同的看法。PHRASESa difference of opinion 意见分歧She and Luke had a difference of opinion over how much money they should spend.她与卢克在该花多少钱的问题上发生了争执。have your differences 有分歧Like any married couple, we have our differences.和其他所有的夫妇一样,我们之间也存在分歧。




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