释义 |
meter noun 1device for measuring gas, electricity, etc. 计量表ADJECTIVE | VERB + METER | METER + VERB | METER + NOUN ADJECTIVEelectric (especially NAmE) , electricity (especially BrE) , gas, light, moisture, parking, power, pressure-level, sound-level, water 电表;煤气表;曝光表;湿度计;停车计时收费器;功率表;压力式液位表;音级计;水表VERB + METERread 抄表◆The electricity company will send an employee to read your meter.电力公司会派雇员去你那儿抄表。check 查表◆a man in uniform checking the parking meters检查停车计时收费器的穿制服的男子feed, fill (especially BrE) 给表充钱◆I forgot to feed the meter.我忘了给表充钱了。fit, install 安装表METER + VERBrun, tick 仪表转动;仪表发出嘀嗒声◆The taxi driver kept the meter running.出租车司机让计价器一直走。◆The taxi waited, the meter ticking away.出租车在等候,计价器嘀嗒嘀嗒地走着。METER + NOUNreader, reading 抄表员;抄表maid (especially NAmE) (开违章罚单的)女交警 |