

词组 desk
释义 desk


1type of table 桌子ADJECTIVE | VERB + DESK | DESK + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, huge, large, massive 大书桌;超大书桌executive 老板桌small 小书桌leather-topped, metal, wooden 皮面/金属/木质书桌mahogany, oak, etc. 红木、橡木等的书桌antique 古董书桌empty 空书桌The empty desk suggested she had already gone home.书桌上空无一物,说明她已经回家了。cluttered, messy, untidy (especially BrE) 凌乱的/杂乱的/不整洁的书桌writing 写字台computer 电脑桌office, school 办公桌;课桌VERB + DESKsit at 坐在桌边get up from, leave 从桌边站起身;离开桌边He got up from his desk and went to the window.他从办公桌旁站起身走到窗边。clean, clean out, clear 清理桌子My desk gets very cluttered if I don't clear it at the end of each day.我每天工作结束后不清理办公桌的话,它就会凌乱不堪。arrive on, cross, hit, land on 被放到书桌上;划过书桌表面;击中书桌;落在书桌上A very strange request landed on my desk this morning.今天上午一份非常奇怪的申请书放到了我的办公桌上。cover, litter 盖在书桌上;乱丢在书桌上Papers littered the desk and the floor.书桌和地板上丢得到处都是文件。DESK + NOUNdrawer, top 书桌抽屉;桌面calendar (especially NAmE) , diary (BrE) 台历;办公日志chair, lamp, phone 办公椅;台灯;办公电话space 桌面空间a computer which takes up less desk space占据较少桌面空间的电脑job 案头工作jockey (= someone who works at a desk) (NAmE, informal) 坐办公室的人;案牍办事员PREPOSITIONat a/the desk 在桌边He was sitting at his desk working when we got home.我们到家时他正坐在书桌旁工作。behind a/the desk 在桌后The manager sat frowning behind his desk throughout the whole interview.经理在面试的整个过程中一直坐在书桌后蹙着眉。on a/the desk 在桌上I left the file on your desk.我把文件夹放在了你的办公桌上。




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