

词组 bearing
释义 bearing


2direction/position 方向;位置ADJECTIVE | VERB + BEARING | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcompass 罗经方位VERB + BEARINGcheck 检查方位He checked his bearings on the map in the car.他在车里查看了一下自己在地图上的位置。find, gain, get 找到方位;辨明方位Everything was in darkness and it was difficult to get my bearings.周围一片漆黑,很难弄清我的方位。keep 保持方位感Keeping your bearings in a sandstorm is impossible.在沙尘暴中要想保持方位感是不可能的。regain 重新找到方位He took a moment to regain his bearings.他用了一点儿时间重新认清了方向。lose 迷失方向She lost her bearings in the thick forest.她在茂密的森林里迷了路。PHRASEStake a (compass) bearing on sth 测某地的(罗经)方位Take a compass bearing on that mountain.测一下那座山的罗经方位。




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