

词组 will
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1power to choose; desire 意志;渴望ADJECTIVE | VERB + WILL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat, indomitable, iron, strong 巨大的决心;不屈不挠的毅力;钢铁般的意志;坚强的决心her indomitable will to win她那必胜的坚强意志His unassuming manner concealed an iron will.他那谦逊的态度背后是钢铁般的意志。weak 薄弱的意志pure, sheer 纯意志;不顾一切的意志I was driven by the pure will to survive.当时驱使我的只是一定要活下去的决心。free 自由意志conscious 清醒的意志collective, general, majority, national, popular, public 集体的意愿;大多数人的意愿;国家意志;普遍的愿望;公众的意愿Is that the general will, that we keep the present voting arrangements?大家都愿意我们维持目前的投票安排吗?individual 个人意愿human 人的愿望divine 神的意旨political 政治决心The government lacked the political will to reform the tax system.政府缺乏改革税收体制的政治决断力。ill 恶意She bears them no ill will.她对他们没有恶意。 (see also goodwill) VERB + WILLhave 有意志She has a very strong will.她具有非常坚强的意志。lack 缺少毅力exercise, exert 行使/发挥意志力lose 失去决心She's lost the will to try and change things.她已经失去了尝试和变革的决心。break, drain, sap 摧毁/消磨/侵蚀意志Constant rejection has sapped her will.不断的被拒绝逐渐使她丧失了决心。regain 重获决心impose 把意志强加于⋯She usually manages to impose her will on the rest of the group.她常常将自己的意志强加给团队中的其他人。bend (sb/sth) to, obey 屈从意愿;遵从意志They were taught to obey their father's will without question.他们被教导要完全遵从父亲的意志,不得有任何质疑。go against 违背意愿My father didn't want me to leave home, and I didn't like to go against his will.父亲不想让我离开家,而我也不想违背他的意愿。PREPOSITIONagainst your will 违背自己的意愿Much against my will, I let him go.我很不情愿地让他走了。at will 任意She believes employers should have the right to hire and fire at will.她认为雇主有权随意雇用和开除员工。PHRASESan act of will 意志的力量It requires an act of will to make myself go running in the morning.对我来说早上跑步是需要意志力的。a battle of wills, a clash of wills 意志的较量The meeting turned out to be a clash of wills.这次会议到头来成了意志的较量。an effort of will 意志的力量With a great effort of will he resisted her pleas.他拼命忍住才没答应她的请求。of your own free will 根据自己的自由意志She left of her own free will.她离开完全是自愿的。where there's a will there's a way (used to say that sth is possible if you really want it) 有志者事竟成the will to live 生存的意志She gradually regained the will to live.她渐渐恢复了活下去的勇气。God's will, the will of God 天意




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