

词组 hunger
释义 hunger


1feeling of wanting to eat 饥饿ADJECTIVE | VERB + HUNGER | HUNGER + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEextreme 极度的饥饿Any good weight loss regime should not lead to extreme hunger.任何好的减肥方法都不应该产生极度的饥饿感。constant 持续的饥饿global, world 全球/世界饥荒VERB + HUNGERfeel 感到饥饿It is usual to feel hunger during exercise.锻炼时感到饥饿是常事。be weak from, be weak with 饿得没力气die from, die of 饿死Thousands of people have died of hunger.已有数以千计的人被饿死。alleviate, relieve, satisfy 缓解饥饿;填饱肚子ways to alleviate world hunger缓解世界饥荒的办法Perhaps the cat was killing to satisfy its hunger.那只猫也许是为了填饱肚子而大开杀戒的。end 结束饥荒the campaign to end world hunger为消除世界饥荒而开展的活动HUNGER + NOUNpangs 饥饿引起的胃痛mid-morning, when those hunger pangs strike上午 10 点来钟肚子饿得难受的时候strike 绝食抗议About 60 prisoners have gone on hunger strike.大约 60 名犯人进行绝食抗议。PHRASESpangs of hunger 饥饿引起的阵阵胃痛




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