

词组 whiff
释义 whiff


ADJECTIVE | VERB + WHIFF | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfaint, slight 轻微的气味strong 浓烈的气味unmistakable (often figurative) 确凿无误的迹象The unmistakable whiff of electoral blackmail could be detected.能够发觉选举中确定无疑存在讹诈的蛛丝马迹。deep 深吸的一口气味VERB + WHIFFcatch, detect, get 闻到气味;察觉到气味;发现迹象I caught the whiff of Scotch on his breath.从他的呼吸中我闻到苏格兰威士忌酒的味道。Journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly. (figurative) 记者抓到了丑闻的一点儿线索,于是对这个女演员穷追不舍。take 闻一下气味She took a deep whiff of his aftershave.她深吸了一口气,闻他须后水的味道。have (often figurative) 有一点点迹象The proposal had the whiff of a hoax about it.这个建议有些许哄骗人的味道。PREPOSITIONwhiff of ⋯的气味a whiff of perfume一丝香水味PHRASESat the faintest whiff of sth, at the first whiff of sth, at the merest whiff of sth (all figurative) 只要有一点儿⋯的迹象He always retreated emotionally at the first whiff of conflict.只要有一点儿冲突的迹象,他在感情上就退缩了。




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