

词组 market
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2business/trade 生意;贸易ADJECTIVE | VERB + MARKET | MARKET + VERB | MARKET + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcompetitive 竞争激烈的市场active, booming, bullish, lively, strong, thriving 活跃的市场;繁荣的市场;旺市bull (finance 金融) , rising 牛市;上涨的行情depressed, sluggish, weak 萧条的市场;不景气的市场;淡市bear (finance 金融) , falling 熊市;下跌的行情steady 稳定的市场buyer's, seller's 买方/卖方市场foreign, global, international, overseas, world 国外/全球/国际/海外/世界市场domestic, home, internal, local 国内市场;内部市场;本地市场consumer, retail 消费/零售市场The disks are designed for professional applications, rather than the consumer market.这些光盘是为专业应用而非消费市场设计的。single 单一市场the completion of the European single market in 19921992 年欧洲单一市场的建成common 共同市场economic 经济市场free 自由市场open 公开市场black (= illegal) 黑市bond, capital, commodity, credit, currency, equity, financial, foreign-exchange, futures, money, securities, stock 债券/资本/商品/信贷/货币/股本/金融/外汇/期货/短期资金/证券/股票市场export 出口市场housing, property (especially BrE) , real estate (NAmE) 住宅/不动产/房地产市场art, car, computer, etc. 艺术品、汽车、计算机等市场job, labour/labor 就业/劳动力市场VERB + MARKETput sth on 将⋯在市场上出售come on, come onto, hit 上市A new model has come on the market.新款产品已经上市。develop, expand 开拓/扩大市场break into, enter, get into, penetrate 冲破障碍进入市场;进入市场;打入市场They're hoping to get into the Far Eastern market.他们希望打入远东市场。capture, corner, dominate, monopolize 夺取/占领/主宰/垄断市场control, drive 控制/驱动市场A relatively small group of collectors drives the art market.一群数目不多的收藏家驱动着艺术品市场。distort, manipulate 扭曲/操纵市场Government attempts to manipulate currency markets tend to backfire.政府操纵货币市场的企图往往事与愿违。supply 为市场供货flood, saturate 充斥市场;使市场饱和Lenders have flooded the market with easy credit.贷方的宽松信贷充斥了市场。The market was flooded with cheap foreign goods.价廉质劣的外国货充斥市场。lose 失去市场depress 抑制市场play 做股票生意an investor who knows how to play the market-and win懂得如何炒股并获利的投资者outperform 表现胜过一般市场行情He believes oil stocks will outperform the market over the next 12 months.他相信石油股在未来 12 个月会有出色的市场表现。MARKET + VERBopen up 市场开放The Chinese market has opened up recently.中国市场最近开放了。boom, grow 市场繁荣/增长The organic food market is growing at 10% a year.有机食品市场以每年 10% 的速度增长。develop, evolve, mature 市场发展/演变/成熟Markets evolve in response to consumer demands.市场根据消费者需求而不断发展。pick up, rally 生意有起色;市场回升decline 市场衰退collapse, crash, slump, tank (informal, especially NAmE) 市场崩溃;市场暴跌bottom (especially NAmE) , bottom out 市场探底be down, be up 行情下跌/上涨The market was down 15%.市价跌了 15%。react, respond 市场反应/回应The markets reacted quickly to the negative publicity.市场对负面新闻迅速作出反应。close 收市The stock market closed weaker.股票市场下挫收盘。open 开市MARKET + NOUNprice, value 市价;市值conditions 市况volatility 市场波幅leader 市场领导者position, share 市场地位/份额penetration 市场渗透sector 市场领域trends 市场趋势PREPOSITIONin a/the market, into a/the market 在市场中;进入市场changes in the UK market英国市场的变化on the market 在出售one of the best car deals on the market市场上可买到的最划算的汽车之一market in ⋯方面的市场a thriving market in second-hand cars繁荣的二手车市场PHRASESbe in the market for sth (= be interested in buying sth) 有意购买⋯the bottom drops out of the market, the bottom falls out of the market (= the market collapses) 行市暴跌a gap in the market (especially BrE) 市场空白They seem to have identified a gap in the market.他们似乎已经找到了一处市场空白。the bottom, lower, top, upper, etc. end of the market 底端、低端、顶端、高端等市场price sb/yourself out of the market 要价太高致使⋯被挤出市场Rising mortgage rates will price some people out of the market.抵押率的上涨将使一些人退出市场。




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