

词组 role
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2position and importance 地位ADJECTIVE | VERB + ROLE | ROLE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, huge, large, substantial 巨大的作用Small businesses have a substantial role to play in keeping the economy buoyant.小企业在保持经济活力方面发挥了重大作用。important, influential, instrumental, integral, powerful, prominent, significant, special 重要的/有影响力的/起助推的/不可或缺的/强有力的/突出的/重大的/特殊的作用an area where national rivalries play a powerful role国家竞争起重要作用的领域central, dominant, key, lead, leading, main, major, pivotal, primary 主要的作用;支配性的作用;关键的作用;首要的作用Migrant workers played a central role in the state's prosperity.流动工人为该州的繁荣作出了重要贡献。critical, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, vital 关键的作用;决定性的作用;必不可少的作用;根本性的作用;至关重要的作用Economic factors played a decisive role in the outcome of the war.经济因素对战争的胜负起着决定性作用。expanded, greater, increased 扩大的职责;更大的作用the expanded role of the federal government联邦政府扩展了的职责diminished, limited, small 减少了的/有限的/很小的作用the limited role of women in the church女性在教会中所起的有限的作用minor, secondary, subordinate, subservient 次要作用backup, supporting 辅助作用He may have to settle for a backup role.他可能不得不接受自己只能起辅助作用的现实。constructive, full (especially BrE) , meaningful, positive, useful, valuable 建设性的/充分的/有意义的/肯定的/有益的/有价值的作用active, proactive 积极/主动的作用passive 消极作用direct 直接的作用clear, defined, distinct, exact, particular, specific, unique 明确的职责;确定的职责;特殊的作用;特定的作用;独特的作用Every member of staff must have a clear role.每一名员工都应该各司其职。the specific role of calcium in preventing disease钙在预防疾病中所起的特定作用different, dual, multiple, various 不同的作用;双重身份;多重身份;各种各样的作用She has a dual role as principal and French teacher.她身兼校长和法语老师双重职责。Many staff perform multiple roles.许多员工身兼数职。traditional 传统地位changing 变化的地位conflicting 冲突的角色her conflicting roles as mother and manager of a large company她身为母亲又担任大公司经理的相互冲突的角色advisory, consultative, managerial, regulatory, supervisory 顾问职能;咨询职能;管理职能;监督职能leadership 领导职能maternal, parental, parenting, paternal 母亲的/家长的/父母的/父亲的职责protective 保护作用Their brother plays a protective role.他们的哥哥负责保护他们。caregiving (NAmE) 照料的职责The caregiving role is still overwhelmingly a female one.照料他人的职责绝大部分仍然由女性承担。economic, educational, military, peacekeeping, political, social, strategic 经济地位;教育地位;军事地位;维护和平的作用;政治地位;社会地位;战略性地位the economic role of small towns小城镇的经济地位Adult education often serves an important social role.成人教育往往具有重要的社会作用。symbolic 象征性的作用possible, potential 可能的/潜在的作用Supervising elections is a possible role for the UN.监督选举是联合国可能起到的一项作用。gender 性别角色essays that question gender roles in a patriarchal culture质疑父权文化中性别角色的文章female, male 女性/男性角色the views prevalent in society about female roles社会上普遍流行的有关女性角色的观点VERB + ROLEhave, occupy, perform, play, serve 有职责;充当角色;起作用Regional managers occupy a crucial role in developing a strategic framework.地区经理在规划整体策略中起着至关重要的作用。provide 规定职责provide sb/sth with 给予⋯职责adopt, assume, take, take on 承担职责I've had to take on the role of mother in her absence.她不在的时候我必须担当起母亲的责任。accept 接受职责I accepted the executive editor role at the magazine.我接受了该杂志的执行编辑职务。They have to be willing to accept their roles as caregivers and not managers.他们不得不同意接受他们要充当的是照顾者而不是管理者这一事实。resume 恢复职责embrace, relish 欣然接受/喜爱角色She embraced her role as ruler of the country.她欣然接受了作为国家统治者的角色。fulfil/fulfill 履行职责The fighting has prevented the UN troops from fulfilling their role as peacekeepers.这场争斗妨碍了联合国部队履行其维和使命。fill 担任职务He filled several governmental roles.他担任过几个政府官职。handle 应对职责We are waiting to see if he can handle an expanded role.我们正在观察他是否能应对范围扩大了的职责。carve out, establish 开创/创立职责He is trying to carve out a new role for himself.他正试图为自己开创一片新天地。assign sb, cast sb in, give sb 指定某人承担任务;把某人描绘为某角色;赋予某人角色He has been cast in the role of chief apologist for the government.他被说成是政府的主要辩护者。reverse 颠倒角色Traditional gender roles are reversed in their household.传统的性别角色在他们家里颠倒了过来。find 找到角色We need to find a useful role for the volunteers in the campaign.这次活动我们得给志愿者安排个能发挥作用的角色。clarify, define, elucidate, redefine 澄清/规定/阐明/重新规定职责a clearly defined role within the group团体中明确规定的职责analyse/analyze, assess, evaluate, examine, explore, investigate 分析/评估/评价/考查/探索/调查职责The paper examines the role of various institutions.这篇论文考查了各种机构的职责。emphasize, highlight, stress 强调作用The authors emphasized the role of the slave trade in the economic development of the New World.作者们强调了奴隶贸易对新大陆经济发展所起的作用。understand 理解作用We need to better understand the role of cold regions in the global climate system.我们需要更好地理解寒冷地区在全球气候体系中所起的作用。acknowledge, appreciate, recognize 承认/认识到/认可作用Politicians acknowledge the key roles that young people play in the country.政治家们承认年轻人在国家中起着关键作用。determine, identify 确定/确认职责We will meet with them to determine individual roles.我们将与他们会面,以确定各人的职责。address 解决作用He addressed the role of tradition in design.他论证了传统在设计中的作用。downplay 贬低作用Thomas downplays the role of these letters as historical evidence.托马斯贬低了这些信件作为历史证据的作用。expand 扩大作用They decided to expand the role that new technologies play at the hospital.他们决定让新技术在医院发挥更大的作用。increase, strengthen 增强作用He is looking for ways to strengthen his role in the business.他正在想方设法提升自己在企业中的地位。fit 胜任职责I feel I can fit any role this team needs me to.我觉得我可以胜任这支队伍需要我承担的任何职责。swap (especially BrE) , switch 角色交换ROLE + NOUNmodel 楷模reversal 角色颠倒expectation (especially NAmE) 角色期望methods for exploring gender role expectations探索性别角色期望的方法conflict (especially NAmE) 角色冲突This role conflict can quickly escalate.这种角色冲突可能会快速升级。PREPOSITIONin a/the role 以⋯的角色She has joined the team in a consultative role.她以顾问的角色加入了这个小组。role as 作为⋯的作用the teacher's role as instructor老师作为指导者的作用role at 在⋯的职责He assumed a conspicuous role at the new arts agency.他在新的艺术机构里承担了显要职责。role for ⋯的作用The new prime minister promised a greater role for women in government.新首相许诺让女性在政府中起更大作用。role in, role within 在⋯方面的作用Pressure groups played a major role in bringing about the reforms.压力集团在引入改革方面起了主要作用。the opportunity to assume a leadership role within your organization在单位里担任领导角色的机会




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