

词组 acknowledgement
释义 acknowledgement


ADJECTIVE | VERB + ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrief 简短的致谢辞explicit 明确的承认tacit 心照不宣的认可open, public 当众承认;公开致谢formal, official 正式承认;正式感谢VERB + ACKNOWLEDGEMENTamount to, be 等于承认;相当于承认This amounted to an acknowledgement that she had been wrong.这等于是承认她错了。get, receive 收到(去信已收悉的)确认通知;收到回音I wrote to them but never got any acknowledgement.我给他们写过信,但从未接到过确认收悉的回信。grunt, nod, wave 咕哝着承认;点头认可;挥手致意She merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement.她只是点点头对他的话表示认可。PREPOSITIONin acknowledgement (of) 为答谢⋯He raised his hand to her in acknowledgement.他向她举手以示感谢。acknowledgement from 来自⋯的认可She is still waiting for some acknowledgement from her fellow academics.她仍在等待着学术界同仁的认可。




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