

词组 right
释义 right


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe, feel, look, seem, sound, taste 正确;感觉正确;看上去正确;好像正确;听起来不错;尝起来正常The meat doesn't taste right to me.我觉得这肉尝起来不对劲。come, go, turn out 出现好的结果;进行得顺利;结果是好的I'm sure it'll all turn out right in the end.我确信最后结果会是好的。get sth 把⋯做好He never gets anything right.他什么事都做不好。make sth 把⋯弄好It may be a very easy way to make money, but that doesn't make it right.这可能是个很轻松的赚钱方法,但并不等于是正当的。ADVERBabsolutely, dead (especially BrE) , exactly, just, perfectly, quite 绝对正确;完全正确;十分正确You're dead right. There's nothing we can do.你完全正确。我们什么也做不了。She needs to get everything exactly right for her guests.她需要为客人办妥一切事情。There's something not quite right about these figures.这些数字好像不大正确。almost, more or less, mostly, nearly, partially 几乎/差不多/大体上/近乎/部分正确Don't worry about it-that's more or less right.不要担心,那差不多对了。probably 也许正确morally 道德上正确PREPOSITIONabout 关于⋯是正确的You were quite right about the weather.你对天气的判断相当正确。PHRASESwhat you think is right 自己认为正确的事情James did what he thought was right.詹姆斯做了他认为正确的事情。




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