

词组 target
释义 target


1sb/sth that you try to destroy, hurt, steal, etc. 破坏、伤害、偷窃的对象ADJECTIVE | VERB + TARGET | TARGET + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfavourite/favorite, frequent, important, likely, natural, obvious, perfect, possible, potential, prime, suitable 青睐的/被频繁⋯的/重要的/很可能的/必然的/明显的/理想的/可能的/潜在的/主要的/合适的目标The President is a favourite / favorite target of comedians.总统是喜剧演员热衷的嘲弄对象。attractive, tempting 有吸引力的/诱人的目标Trains are attractive targets for terrorists.火车对恐怖分子是很有诱惑力的目标。specific 具体目标real 真正的目标The real target of his satire is religion.他讽刺的真正对象是宗教。easy, sitting, soft, tempting, vulnerable 容易得手的/易于下手的/脆弱的/诱人的/易受攻击的目标The stationary trucks were sitting targets for the enemy planes.静止的卡车是敌机的活靶子。legitimate 合法目标intended 预定目标fixed, stationary 固定的/静止的目标moving 活动目标ground 地面目标enemy, military, strategic 敌方/军事/战略目标civilian, non-military 平民/非军事目标high-value 高价值目标terrorist 恐怖分子的目标takeover 收购对象The company could become a takeover target.该公司可能成为收购对象。VERB + TARGETchoose, identify, pick 选择/确定/挑选目标aim at, attack, engage, go for, shoot at 瞄准目标;攻击目标;袭击目标;向目标射击find, locate 找到/定位目标hit, reach, strike 击中/达到/打击目标The bomb reached its intended target ten seconds later.10 秒钟后炸弹命中预定目标。miss, overshoot 偏离/超越目标The flare overshot its target and set fire to a hotel.照明弹越过目标,把一家旅馆烧着了。destroy 摧毁目标The missile is intended to destroy military targets.导弹旨在摧毁军事目标。track 追踪目标The radar beam can track a number of targets simultaneously.雷达波束可以同时追踪多个目标。present 呈现为目标The damaged ship presented a tempting target.这艘损坏的船成了一个诱人的目标。make 成为目标The casino made an easy target for thieves.赌场是窃贼容易下手的目标。TARGET + NOUNsite 目标地域It should be possible to deliver the drug direct to the target site.将药品直接送到目标位置应该是可能的。The missile never reached its target site.导弹根本没有命中靶标区域。PREPOSITIONoff target 偏离目标The missile veered way off target and landed in the sea.导弹严重偏离目标,落到了海里。on target 击中要害Politically speaking, his jibes were right on target.从政治角度说,他的嘲讽正中要害。target for ⋯的目标an easy target for thieves小偷易下手的目标




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