

词组 hazard
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + HAZARD | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, great, major, real, serious 极大的危害;严重的危害constant 长期的危害possible, potential 潜在的危害hidden, unexpected, unseen 隐患;意料之外的危险;无形的危险environmental, industrial, natural, occupational 环境危害;工业危害;自然危害;职业风险industrial hazards such as excessive noise and pollution诸如过量噪声和污染等工业危害。Loneliness is one of the occupational hazards of being a writer.孤寂是作家所面临的一大职业危险。health 健康隐患Other people's smoke is now seen as a health hazard.吸烟现在已被视为对他人健康的一种危害。fire 火灾隐患Those piles of newspapers are a serious fire hazard.那一堆堆的报纸是严重的火灾隐患。VERB + HAZARDcause, create, pose, present 导致/造成/构成/带来危险Production of these chemicals poses serious environmental hazards.生产这些化学品会严重危害环境。be exposed to, encounter, face 遭遇危险;面临危险The worst hazard we faced was having our money stolen.我们遇到的最糟糕的事就是钱被盗。avoid 避免危险Go in September if you want to avoid the hazard of extreme heat.如果想避开高温酷暑,那就 9 月份去。eliminate, minimize 排除危险;使危险降到最低cope with, deal with, negotiate (especially BrE) 处理危险Companies should have systems for dealing with work hazards.公司应该有职业风险应对系统。PREPOSITIONhazard for 对⋯构成的危险Stairs are a hazard for young children.楼梯对小孩子是一个危险之源。hazard to 对⋯的危害The burning of industrial waste is a major hazard to human health.焚烧工业垃圾是对人类健康的严重危害。PHRASESexposure to a hazard 面临危害Try and reduce your exposure to hazards such as poor quality air.尽量减少接触诸如污浊空气之类的险患。




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