

词组 tale
释义 tale


ADJECTIVE | VERB + TALE | TALE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong, rambling 冗长的/没头没脑的冗长故事familiar 熟悉的故事amazing, bizarre, curious (especially BrE) , extraordinary, fantastic, magical, marvellous/marvelous, strange 令人惊异的故事;奇异的传说;不可思议的故事;奇妙的传说awful (especially BrE) , sad, sorry, terrible, tragic 令人不快的/凄惨的/令人难过的/骇人的/悲惨的故事the sorry tale of his marriage breakdown他婚姻破裂的伤心往事chilling, gruesome, hair-raising, harrowing, horror, macabre 令人不寒而栗的/骇人听闻的/令人汗毛直竖的/令人痛不欲生的/恐怖/令人毛骨悚然的故事lurid, sordid, tawdry 耸人听闻的/肮脏的/粗俗的故事dark 阴郁的故事a dark tale of sexual obsession关于性痴迷的凄惨故事mysterious, spooky 神秘的/阴森恐怖的故事funny, humorous, witty (especially BrE) 妙趣横生的/幽默的/诙谐的故事fascinating, interesting 引人入胜的/有趣的故事heart-warming 暖人心房的故事simple 简单的故事fanciful, incredible, tall, unlikely (especially BrE) 虚无缥缈的/难以置信的/荒诞不经的/不大可信的故事a tall tale that would fool no one一个没人会信的荒诞故事true 真实的故事old wives' 无稽之谈coming-of-age, rags-to-riches 成长的/白手起家的故事the rags-to-riches tale of an orphan who becomes a star一个孤儿由贫到富成为明星的故事epic, heroic 史诗/英雄故事an epic tale of courage and heroism一个充溢着勇气和英雄气概的史诗故事cautionary, moral, morality 警世/寓言/道德故事classic, folk, old, traditional 经典/民间/古老/传统故事childhood 童年故事fairy (often figurative) 童话故事Winning the French Open was a fairy-tale end to her career.法国公开赛折桂为她的职业生涯书写了一个童话般的结局。gothic, romantic 哥特式/浪漫故事original 原来的故事VERB + TALEnarrate, recount, regale sb with, relate, tell (sb) 讲故事;以故事逗某人开心;(给某人)讲故事She regaled us with tales of her wild youth.她讲述她青年时的荒唐事,逗我们开心。hear 听故事make up, spin, weave 虚构/编造/杜撰故事read, write 阅读/写作故事begin 开始一个故事TALE + VERBbegin 故事开始unfold 故事展开concern sb/sth, involve sb/sth 故事与⋯相关;故事牵涉⋯be set in... 故事发生在⋯a tale set in 19th-century Moscow发生在 19 世纪莫斯科的故事be based on sth 故事以⋯为基础PREPOSITIONtale about 关于⋯的故事a tale about a hungry snake饥饿的蛇的故事tale of ⋯的故事tales of adventure冒险故事the strange tale of the man who sold his hair一个卖掉自己头发的男人的离奇故事PHRASESa tale of woe (= about failure, bad luck, etc.) (有关失败、厄运等的)悲惨故事(have) a tale to tell 有故事要讲Each of the survivors had a terrible tale to tell.每一个幸存者都有一个恐怖的故事可讲。tell tales (= to say things about sb that are untrue or that they would prefer to be secret) (BrE) 搬弄是非;揭人隐私




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