

词组 criticize
释义 criticize (BrE also criticise)


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbitterly, fiercely (especially BrE) , harshly, heavily, roundly, severely, sharply, strongly, unfairly 尖锐批评;激烈批评;严厉批评;不公正地批评directly, openly, publicly 直接/公开/当众批评She has openly criticized the government.她公开批评政府。implicitly 含蓄地批评justifiably, rightly 公正地批评Their record on human rights has been justifiably criticized.他们的人权状况受到了公正的批评。constantly, frequently, repeatedly 不断/经常/反复批评PREPOSITIONfor 因⋯批评She criticized the system for being secretive.她批评该体制不公开。PHRASESbe widely criticized (as sth) (作为⋯)广受批评The law was widely criticized as racist.那条法律被认为有种族主义问题,广受批评。criticize sb/sth on the grounds that 基于⋯而批评⋯The movie was criticized on the grounds that it glorified violence.那部电影因颂扬暴力而受到批评。




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