释义 |
cover noun 7sth that hides the real nature of sth 掩盖;掩饰ADJECTIVE | VERB + COVER | COVER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEperfect 完美的掩饰diplomatic, official, political 外交身份/官员身份/政治身份掩护◆spies operating under diplomatic cover以外交身份为掩护进行活动的间谍VERB + COVERblow (= reveal) 揭穿伪装◆He realized his cover had been blown.他意识到自己的身份已经暴露了。COVER + NOUNstory 编造的说辞◆The guard believed her cover story.卫兵相信了她的假话。PREPOSITIONcover for 对⋯的掩护◆The club is a cover for various criminal activities.该俱乐部为各种犯罪活动提供掩护。 |