

词组 course
释义 course


4way of acting 行动方式ADJECTIVE | VERB + COURSE | COURSE + VERB | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbest, better 最好的/更好的行动方式prudent 谨慎的举动Taking action without knowing all the facts would not be a prudent course.未了解全部事实就采取行动不是谨慎之举。VERB + COURSEadopt, choose, follow, pursue, steer, take 采纳/选择/遵循/执行/引导/采取路线She shrewdly steered a middle course between the two factions.在两派之间她精明地选择了一条中间路线。It was the best course of action to take in the circumstances.这是在当时情况下能采取的最佳方法。COURSE + VERBbe open to sb 某人可采取⋯It was the only course open to him.这是他可采取的唯一方法。PHRASESa course of action 行动路线




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