

词组 spotlight
释义 spotlight


2public attention/interest 公众的注意力或兴趣ADJECTIVE | VERB + SPOTLIGHT | SPOTLIGHT + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEharsh 苛责的关注After the defeat, he tried to avoid the harsh spotlight of the media.比赛失利后,他试图躲避媒体苛刻的批评。international, national, public 国际的/国内的/公众的关注media, political 媒体的/政治的聚焦点VERB + SPOTLIGHTcome into, come under (both especially BrE) 成为瞩目的中心This issue will come under the spotlight at tomorrow's meeting.这个问题将成为明天会议的焦点。be thrust into, step into, take 成为焦点She was suddenly thrust into the political spotlight.她突然成了政治焦点。bring sth into 使⋯成为关注焦点focus, put, shine, throw, turn 聚焦;转移焦点These revelations threw a spotlight on the shakiness of the economy.这些被披露的内情使经济的不稳定成为公众关注的焦点。keep 保持关注He will want to keep the spotlight on the divisions within the party.他希望能继续关注党内的分歧。share 分享公众注意力The captain had to share the spotlight with the new young star.队长不得不和这名年轻的新星分享公众的关注。grab, hog, steal 抢风头He accused her of hogging the spotlight.他怪她抢风头。shun, shy away from 避开关注The President has never been one to shun the spotlight.总统从来都不是能躲避公众关注的角色。SPOTLIGHT + VERBbe on sb/sth, fall on sb/sth, shine on sb/sth, turn on sb/sth 公众关注⋯;公众的视线落在⋯PREPOSITIONaway from the spotlight 移出公众的视线in the spotlight, under the spotlight 在公众的瞩目下The quality of our food is back in the spotlight.我们的食品质量问题重新引起了公众的关注。out of the spotlight 不是公众关注的焦点The affair is now out of the spotlight.这件事已不再是公众关注的焦点。




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