

词组 depression
释义 depression


1unhappiness/mental illness 愁苦;精神病ADJECTIVE | ... OF DEPRESSION | VERB + DEPRESSION | DEPRESSION + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEserious, severe 严重的消沉black (especially BrE) , deep 极度的抑郁;深深的沮丧moments of deep depression深感沮丧的时刻acute, chronic 急性/慢性抑郁mild, minor 轻度/轻微抑郁moderate 中度抑郁clinical 临床抑郁症manic 躁狂抑郁症post-natal, post-partum (NAmE) 产后抑郁症... OF DEPRESSIONbout, fit, period 抑郁症发作;一段时间的抑郁The actor says he suffers frequent bouts of depression.那位演员说他经常出现抑郁情绪。In a fit of depression, she threw away all her books.她一时抑郁,扔掉了自己所有的书。A period of acute depression can sometimes follow childbirth.分娩之后可能会有一段时间的急性抑郁期。VERB + DEPRESSIONdevelop, fall into, go into, succumb to 发展为抑郁症;陷入抑郁;进入抑郁状态;受抑郁症折磨She fell into a black depression and refused to leave her room.她变得极度抑郁,拒绝离开自己的房间。experience, have, suffer, suffer from 患抑郁症She was diagnosed as having clinical depression.她被诊断患有临床抑郁症。be treated for 接受抑郁症治疗His wife had left him and he was being treated for depression.妻子离开了他,他正接受抑郁症治疗。come out of, get over, overcome 从抑郁症中恢复过来;克服沮丧情绪She was gradually coming out of her depression.她正逐渐从抑郁症中恢复过来。cause, lead to, trigger 引起/导致/诱发抑郁症Bereavement can often lead to depression.丧失亲人常会引发抑郁症。alleviate, reduce, relieve, treat 减轻/缓和/缓解/治疗抑郁症a new drug used to treat depression用于治疗抑郁症的新药prevent 预防抑郁症DEPRESSION + VERBdeepen 抑郁症加深lift 抑郁症消除Her depression has lifted now.她的抑郁症现在痊愈了。affect sb 抑郁症影响某人Depression affects a surprising number of people.受抑郁症困扰者人数惊人。occur 抑郁症发生PREPOSITIONin depression 在抑郁状况中He may have killed himself in depression.他可能是在抑郁的状态中自杀的。with depression 患有抑郁症He's been off work for months with depression.他患有抑郁症,已经几个月没有工作了。PHRASESthe depths of depression 深度的抑郁I was in the depths of depression after receiving my exam results.拿到考试结果我沮丧极了。feelings of depression 沮丧的感觉the onset of depression 抑郁症的发作The onset of depression often follows a traumatic event.抑郁症发作常常是在造成心理创伤的事件之后。a state of depression 抑郁状态He was in a state of acute depression.他急性抑郁症正在发作。symptoms of depression 抑郁症症状treatment for depression 抑郁症治疗She had been receiving medical treatment for depression.她一直在接受抑郁症治疗。 topic at illness




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