

词组 condition
释义 condition


5rule 规定ADJECTIVE | VERB + CONDITION | CONDITION + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEstrict 严格的要求special 特定的条件VERB + CONDITIONattach, impose, lay down, set, set out, specify 附加条款;强加条件;制定要求;列明条款;明确规定条件the conditions attached to the granting of citizenship授予公民身份附带的条款The UN has imposed strict conditions on the ceasefire.联合国强行对停火加上了严格的条件。 accept, agree to 接受/同意条件They would not agree to our conditions.他们不会同意我们的条件。abide by, comply with, fulfil/fulfill, meet, observe, satisfy 遵守条件;遵照条件To get a basic pension you must satisfy two conditions...要得到基本退休金,你必须符合两个条件⋯be subject to 受条件限制The bar was licensed subject to the condition that no children be admitted.这个酒吧获得了经营许可,条件是不得让儿童进入。be in breach of (BrE) 违反条款He denied being in breach of bail conditions.他否认违反了保释条件。CONDITION + VERBapply 条款适用Special conditions apply to the use of the library's rare books.使用图书馆的珍本书要符合特定条件。PREPOSITIONon condition that 以⋯为条件They agreed to lend us the car on condition that we returned it before the weekend.他们同意把汽车借给我们,条件是周末前要归还。on... condition, under... condition (NAmE) 在⋯条件下I'll agree to the plan on one condition: my name doesn't get mentioned to the press.我会同意这项计划,但是有一个条件:不得向新闻界透露我的名字。under the conditions of 根据⋯条件Under the conditions of the agreement, all foreign troops will leave by May.根据协议条款,所有的外国军队将最迟在 5 月撤离。PHRASESa breach of a condition (BrE) 违反条款conditions of employment, sale, etc. 雇佣、销售等条件terms and conditions 条款the terms and conditions of the contract合同条款




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